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Welcome Back!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!

2 C H A M P CHAMPs for PowerPoint Stay seated
Conversation Answer and ask questions H Help “Mr./Mrs. _____, I have a question.” A Activity Review important school news M Movement Stay seated P Participation Follow directions, look up, write.

3 Guidelines for Success!
We are - Respectful Kind, polite, considerate Positive Believing in yourself Productive Completing schoolwork and accomplishing goals Proud Confident and goal oriented

4 School Schedule 2014-2015 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
August 2-October 24 Quarter 2 October 27-January 16  End Semester 1 Quarter 3 January 20-March 27 Begin 2nd semester Quarter 4 April 6- June 9

5 Class Schedules Check your schedule!
Period 1- Intervention (2.5 credits) 9:17- 9:57 Period 2 (5 credits) 9:59-10:57 Period 3 (5 credits) 10:59-11:57 Lunch 11:57-12:27 – 30 minutes Period 4 (5 credits) 12:28-1:26 Period 5 (5 credits) 1:27-2:25 Buses 2:25 STAY IN SEAT until your bus is called! Drivers/riders go at last bus Everyone goes through Welcome Room on way in & out Leave loaner gate bin 5 people through at a time BE PATIENT Check your schedule! Do you have classes that you need? Do you know what bus your taking? Do you know where your classes are? Do you have questions?

6 What is Intervention? Focus 2.5 credit A, B, C, D, F grading scale
English CAHSEE , test strategies, review Math Career Tech Ed If passed CAHSEE Leadership Applied & accepted into class Directed Studies Make-up work from other classes APEX for credits Packet work for credits

7 Credits at Gateway If you participate and pass your classes, you WILL earn more credits here than at your regular high school! QUARTER 1 Credits Period credits (intervention class) Period credits Period credits Period credits Period 5 – 5.0 credits TOTAL per quarter! At your high school you were earning 15 credits per quarter, here you can earn credits per quarter, so it pays to be PRODUCTIVE here and PASS your classes! 10 weeks in the quarter means you earn .5 credits per week.

8 You want MORE credits?! Make an appointment with Monica Rodriguez
APEX – unlimited credits and you can do at home Get a JOB– 10 credits CEC, get JOB training – 10 credits After school tutoring Take packets home to do after school, on weekends and over holiday breaks

9 C H A M P End of Day Bus CHAMPs Stay seated until your bus is called
Conversation Inside voice & appropriate H Help “Mr./Mrs. _____, I have a question.” A Activity Wait for YOUR bus to be called M Movement Stay seated until your bus is called P Participation Stay in seat, quietly, waiting… We will stop busses for the ENTIRE school until everyone is following CHAMPs.

10 Bus Numbers #62 Simi Valley (Afternoon ONLY) #200 Santa Paula, Fillmore, El Rio, Nyeland Acres #201 Camarillo, Thousand Oaks, Moorpark (Simi in AM) #202 Oxnard/Pacifica, Pacific View Mall #203 Channel Islands, Port Hueneme Please remember we are responsible for you until you get home. Be responsible students while on the bus. Misbehavior on bus (throwing stuff, fighting, standing on bus, tagging, jumping off bus, being rude to driver, etc. = Equals= REMOVAL from bus. If you are kicked off the bus, you are responsible for your own transportation.

11 End of Day Walking to Bus & Welcome Room
Conversation Say goodbye, MAKE SURE TO TURN IN YOUR BEHAVIOR POINT SHEET H Help Ask Staff A Activity Walk to gate. Turn loaner clothes in basket. 5 at a time in Welcome Room. Turn in ID, wait for your things. No ID means you will need to WAIT until everyone else is on the bus BEFORE you will receive your new ID and your things. M Movement Walk to destination & wait for your turn. P Participation Following CHAMPs Not following CHAMPs means that they will hold the busses until you do. Let’s have POSITIVE end to the day!

12 Identification (ID) Requirements
IDs are your responsibility You will receive a new ID this week. You NEED your ID to receive breakfast and lunch. No ID means that you will need to wait for a new ID BEFORE you receive meal. You NEED your ID to receive your items at end of day. No ID means that your entire bus will wait for you to receive a new ID in order to receive your things. You will wait until the entire bus has been boarded before staff is able to make you a new ID. Keep ID and turn in ID means no drama, no waiting.

13 Identification (ID) Requirements
IDs are your responsibility You will receive a new ID this week. You NEED your ID to receive breakfast and lunch. No ID means that you will need to wait for a new ID BEFORE you receive meal. You NEED your ID to receive your items at end of day. No ID means that your entire bus will wait for you to receive a new ID in order to receive your things. You will wait until the entire bus has been boarded before staff is able to make you a new ID. Keep ID and turn in ID means no drama, no waiting.

14 Identification (ID) Requirements
Student Identification - All students and staff must wear identification while on school grounds at all times. This is to ensure all students can be positively identified and maintain safety protocol. Students are expected to maintain their IDs in order that their names and photo can be seen (including bar code). Violations and destruction of the IDs will result in further disciplinary action and possible violation of their contract with Gateway and their home district return to district plan. Student conference/warning Administrative conference/parent or guardian notification Community Service Continued violation will require the student to be picked up by the parent and not allowed in class Possible removal from daily program or alternative placement

15 School Map Do you know where everything is?
Please Ask Security/Administration to open the restrooms Room 5 Melanie Room 7 Room 4 Room 6 Counselor Room 3 Room 8 Room 2 Room 9 Lunch Window Welcome Room Room 1 Office

16 Who’s Who at Gateway? TEACHERS
Mrs. Pujol Room 1 (Transition and Restorative Justice) Mrs. Pollock Cisneros Room 2 (Recovery) Ms. Thompson Room 3 (Math) Mrs. Drescher Room 4 (SAI English & Math) Mrs. Linne Room 5 (SAI/Resource) Ms. Murphy Room 6 (English 9/10 & 11/12) Mr. Ipach Room 7 (English, History & Transition) Mrs. Aquino Room 8 (Math & History) Mrs. Worthy -Weaver Room 9 (Health & Science) Mr. Edwards Middle School, all subjects

17 Who’s Who at Gateway? Office & Support
Monica Rodriguez Counselor Eric Rodriguez Transition Specialist Return to District Contact Person Mary Bognoli School psychologist Sandy Lorenzo HS Paraeducator Mark Lara Yolanda Biden Jorge Suarez Susan Coffey Hakeem Ward MS Paraeducator Mr. Koenig Principal Araceli Office Manager Jessica Rose Probation MR. _______ Thomas, Max & Dan Security Officer Acebo Probation Officer Mr. Silva ROP and teacher Mr. Ruben Reyes CEC Silk Screening Mrs. Alvarez CEC Horticulture

18 More Support on Campus If you are expelled, you probably need to meet with one of the following people for 8-15 sessions, depending on your district. Melanie- PDAP Drug & Alcohol Counseling, group & individual Nita – Clinicas Counselor Individual Counselor Sarah – SELPA Anger Management group Girls Group Boys Group If you want to sign up for ANY of these groups, please see Monica Rodriguez, school counselor.

19 Make the best of it! We are here to HELP you succeed.
Success tips: You are your own best advocate, this means… Ask questions. Talk to teachers, admin, staff Talk to Mr. Silva with CEC about finding a job or job training. Know your return to district requirements. Sign up for a group. Know what classes/credits you need to graduate. Be positive. Stay out of drama – mind your own business. Be productive Pass your classes. Ask your teachers regularly about your grades, make up work, etc. Do APEX at home for extra credits

20 CHAMPs Reminders What are CHAMPs? Conversation Help Activity Movement
How much can you talk? How loud can you be? Help How do you ask someone for help? Who do you ask for help? Activity What are you supposed to be working on? Movement Can you get up out of your seat? Participation How are you supposed to be participating? SUCCESS!! Teachers use these to give you their expectations.

21 Example: While I’m teaching…
Conversation Answer and ask questions H Help “Mr./Mrs. _____, I have a question.” A Activity Finished work M Movement Stay seated P Participation Follow directions, look up, write.

22 Examples Yes!! NO!!! Yes!! NO!!!

23 School Wide CHAMPS Bus Rides Conversation
Controlled/low volume, appropriate words/conversation Help See bus driver or staff while at campus Activity Sitting calmly in bus seat Movement Sitting only Participation Sitting calmly in seat SUCCESS! Welcome Room Conversation Respectfully and Quietly with Neighbor or Staff Help Ask nearest staff Respectfully Activity Turn in all items not allowed, put on ID & loaner clothes Movement Stay in line, waiting and walking Responsibly Participation Positively and patiently interacting with staff and peers SUCCESS!

24 School Wide CHAMPS Before and after school Conversation
May speak to your friends at a reasonable volume Help See staff for assistance Activity Entering/exiting and staying in assigned areas Movement Walking Participation Minimal/quiet conversation with friends and quiet as you enter/exit class SUCCESS! Going to the Bathroom Conversation None, only speak with staff Help Wait for security or Admin. Activity Use/respect restroom Movement Walking Participation Only speak with staff SUCCESS!

25 School Wide CHAMPS Lunchtime Conversation
Speak in controlled/moderate volume with no profanity or inappropriate language Help See security or administration for assistance Activity Seated at lunch tables/benches in quad Movement Walking Participation Mingling with your friends or staff SUCCESS!

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