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iOGT International 69th Congress Future made Here

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1 iOGT International 69th Congress Future made Here
Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in International Aid Services operations 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

2 International Aid Services (IAS)
Presented by: Juliet Namukasa Date: 7/8/2018 International Aid Services (IAS) International Aid Services is a Christian non political and non profitable humanitarian relief and development organization. It was founded in 1989 with purpose of assisting people in need. IAS is operating in 11 African countries In Uganda IAS has it’s Head in office in Kampala and field offices in Arua, Pader and Abim districts. 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

3 lIvelihood - Oxen distribution 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

4 Livelihood- Seed distribution 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

5 Livelihood Goats for multiplication 7th August 2018
Alcohol and the SDGs

6 How it all begins We were addressing felt needs:
Felt needs are changes deemed necessary by people to correct the deficiencies they perceive in their community These formed our entry point into any given community 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

7 When one one !!! Identified the anticipatory needs (What needs to be done in order to get a specific future) Biggest challenge- Getting the community to acknowledge that not all that which glitters is gold- alcohol’s apparent sweet side has a glaring bitter side: How to get there: Trigger and Dialogue – they have wealth of information Explore alternatives livelihoods Engage local authorities 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

8 The mindset A colleague found a man taking alcohol recently and asked him, sir, is not too early to be taking alcohol? The man responded with a question, ‘what time does the throat open? Common phrases justifying usage of alcohol : I am drinking to forget my misery. I lost my all during the war. This is where poverty has sent us This is how we socialize and talk about important issues that affect men. 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

9 Poverty is history He was young, had a family, had land and yet very needy, he worked on people’s farms but spent much of the money on alcohol 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

10 When the blind see- resource reallocation
Zero Hunger -SDG 2!! When the blind see- resource reallocation She used her foodstuff to brew but could not survive the hunger gap . She thought she was making gains until we got into the mathematics of her business 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

11 Good health and well-being- SDG 3
Restored but counting the cost In Abim women use alcohol more than men Consequences of irresponsible sexual behavior 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

12 Quality Education- SDG 4
7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

13 Primary 2 pupils in session
7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

14 Alcohol and quality education
Acholi- pii Primary school Parents had received Seeds, oxen and plough, cash injection Less than 10% of the parents had made their contributions Parents had money for alcohol but not to contribute towards the education of their children For less than 2 dollars per person we had the roof replaced as we lobbied for more funds from government. 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

15 Gender Equality- SDG 5 Alcohol misuse + polygamy is disaster
He was violent, neglected his family and took all sorts of alcohol 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

16 Campaign for legislation- Speak the Language they understand- Statistics
S/N o Incidence Reported 2015 2016 2017 (Jan- March) Total Causes 1 Domestic violence 124 146 11 281 Alcohol abuse 2 Child neglect 126 174 21 321 Poverty/Alcohol abuse 3 Child desertion 23 28 53 Polygamy/Domestic Violence 4 Missing children 5 10 Ignorance Forced marriage - 17 Cultural believes 6 Child Labour 18 35 Poverty and hunger 7 Child to child sex 14 25 Too much exposure to sex life 8 Simple Defilement 48 9 92 Lack of sensitization Aggravated defilement Incest Alcohol Abuse/Lack of parental care/ sharing rooms with relatives Indecent assault Alcohol abuse/indiscipline 12 Rape Alcohol Abuse 13 Marital Rape 386 470 46 902 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

17 Mobilize for regulation through various forum- World no alcohol day celebration
7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

18 Youth in agriculture This group told us that they do not need us anymore, they are doing well 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

19 Thank you 7th August 2018 Alcohol and the SDGs

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