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혈액응고 검사의 정도관리 혈액학계 윤 미 경 2003. 3. 6.

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Presentation on theme: "혈액응고 검사의 정도관리 혈액학계 윤 미 경 2003. 3. 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 혈액응고 검사의 정도관리 혈액학계 윤 미 경

2 Check Points [sources of error]
Preanalytical variables specimen Testing variables instrument, Reagent, Control material standard material, Methodology QC program Patient reports/interpretation

3 Specimen collection Prolonged venostasis
activation of clotting & fibrinolytic factors shortened aPTT(Ⅷ) Under-filling (>70% aPTT, >60% PT) Elevated Hct (low plasmacrit) citrate effect prolonged aPTT

4 Specimen collection Insufficient mixing Excessive mixing
micro-clots or fibrin strand (plasma) clotting factor consumption Excessive mixing hemolysis, clumps(preactivated) clotting factor activation

5 Specimen collection Buffered Citrate Siliconised glass
Plastic PET tube Age-end of storage (shelf life)

6 Specimen collection (경험)
Patient samples with heparin therapy :No prolongations of aPTT Repeat with old collection tube(BD) Repeat with new collection tube(BD) Expiry date of evacuated tubes Rubber stopper-neutralize heparin

7 Specimen processing Cold promoted activation(CPA)
FⅦ( ), PT shortening Platelet poor plasma(PPP): centrifuge platelet contamination(esp LA) aPTT. false elevation (Ⅰ,Ⅴ,vWF) only upper layer (3/4) Rapidly frozen/thawing

8 Specimen processing(경험)
Bleeding case Specimen from commercial lab Two aliquots for each test Aliquot A Aliquot B vWF:Ag D N(false) vWF:RCO D N(false) Centrifugation : only upper layer (3/4) Platelet contamination

9 Specimen storage Plasma or WB (RT, 4℃)
PT stable for 24hr APTT stable for 8~12hr Heparin therapy (centrifuge within 1hr, assay within 4hr) Frozen plasma : Rapid thawing

10 Specimen for platelet function test
Collection hemolysis Centrifugation PRP, PPP at RT Influence of time 30min~3hr(RT) Ristocetin(imm.), epinephrine(1hr)

11 Instrument (ACL, Futura)
Methodology semiautomated (electro-mechanical) automated (photo-optical) Reagent systems Economic factors Test volume Computer interface Technologist acceptance

12 Instrument (경험) DIC (activated clotting factor)
Short aPTT from ACL(IL) coagulyzer Clot formation : shorter than lag phase No change in light transmission Artifactual prolongation mimicking coagulopathy Visual confirmation (clot)

13 Reagent Instrument + reagent system Total system(same manufacturer)
Thromboplastin for PT/APTT PT-Fib reagent : unopened –expire date after reconstitution-2~8℃ 3days 15 ℃ 8hrs aPTT reagent : after reconstitution-2~8 ℃ 7days 15 ℃ 8hrs CaCl : 25mMol/L, 30days(2~8 ℃)

14 Control & standard material
Reconstitution Pipette quality assurance Pooled normal plasma(PNP) Healthy, fasting, no medication >n=20(M:F) pool aliquot, -70 ℃ Minimum time for labile factors Commercial Reference Plasma

15 QC Program Reporting & Results Delta check
Repeat if abnormal (not routine)

16 Conclusion Awareness Customize to each patient
interpretative medical knowledge possibility-open coexist or superimposed acquired > congenital Customize to each patient age, sex, clinical conditions 치료(약제, 마취제, 수혈) Future : near patient testing(POCT)

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