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SAGE Lecture Spark [2/10/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences.

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1 SAGE Lecture Spark [2/10/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences

2 Anti-Vaxxer Movement Fuelling Global Resurgence of Measles, Say WHO
“Health authorities are grappling with a global resurgence of measles, with record numbers recorded in Europe and deadly outbreaks in the Philippines and Madagascar.” “The World Health Organization said on Thursday Europe had a record number of measles cases in 2018, in part due to a growing number of pockets where parents are refusing vaccination for their children.”

3 Defying Parents, A Teen Decides to Get Vaccinated
U.S. teen Ethan Lindenberger recently decided to get a variety of vaccinations after turning 18, despite his mother’s wishes otherwise. “‘When I started looking into it myself, it became very apparent that there was a lot more evidence in defense of vaccinations, in their favor,’ Lindenberger told NPR's Scott Simon on Weekend Edition.”

4 Is the Mental Health of Young People Getting Worse?
An NHS survey in England “found a small but genuine rise in diagnosable emotional disorders like depression and anxiety, especially among girls.” “This was based on full psychiatric assessments of roughly 10,000 young people - meaning it could pick up existing problems even if someone had never sought help.”

5 Mexican Scientist Cures the Human Papilloma Virus
“Eva Ramón Gallegos, a researcher from Mexico National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) was able to completely eradicate the Human Papilloma Virus in 29 patients.” She utilized a non-invasive treatment called photodynamic therapy.

6 Key Concepts Disease and Medicine in the Media Mainstream media generally follows the consensus of the scientific community in how it covers disease. Here, particularly with the focus on the anti-vaccine movement, we see not a “debate,” but a correct vs. a misguided approach.

7 Assessment Writing: How do you think media coverage of those for or against vaccines compares to coverage of those who believe in or deny climate change? Debate: If not vaccinating one’s child increases risk of measles and other illness outbreaks, should a parent still have the right to decide not to? Why or why not? Poll: Do you know anyone who has not been vaccinated? Yes, No, Unsure Short Answer: If anti-vaccination movements are as old as vaccines, why do you think there’s an upswing in the discussion currently? Current Events Quiz Partly due to anti-vaccination groups, there is currently a global resurgence of: Amid the anti-vaccination drama, Ethan Lindenberger has become famous for: According to a NHS survey in England, there has been a small increase in: A researcher in Mexico has eradicated ____ in 29 tests with patients. The researcher’s method was notable for being: Answers Measles Self-vaccinating against his parents wishes Emotional disorders in the young HPV Non-invasive

8 Lexington news covers the World Health Organization’s classification of the anti-vaccination movement as a global threat.

9 https://www. historyofvaccines
Or "The Origins of the Anti-Vaccine Movement" by Vox

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