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General information Targeted topics Company name Contact name

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Presentation on theme: "General information Targeted topics Company name Contact name"— Presentation transcript:

1 General information Targeted topics Company name Contact name Email
Organisation logo Company name Contact name Telephone number Targeted topics Choisir les topics qui vous intéresse parmi les 4 suivants SU-INFRA : Combined physical and cyber threats SU-INFRA : Security for smart and safe cities, including for public spaces SU-DS : Sub-topic a (2019): Digital security and privacy in multimodal transport SU-DS : Sub-topic b (2019): Digital security and privacy in healthcare ecosystem

2 Competencies Organisation competencies
Organisation logo Competencies Organisation competencies Organisation experience in the European project The skills you can bring

3 Project idea not mandatory slide Describe your project idea
Organisation logo not mandatory slide Project idea Describe your project idea List of the complementary skills you need for your consortium

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