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Computer Lab Intervention

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1 Computer Lab Intervention
What? Computer Lab Interventions Where? At tables in computer lab or with the COW When? Once a week during scheduled computer lab Who? Tier II strategic or intensive students in reading, writing, math, science Max 6 students Why? To provide opportunity for targeted skill interventions to students based on RTI guidelines. This can be used as additional data in Edugence for RTI requirements. How? Using data from RTI protocols or error analysis, create small groups. Determine specific skill that needs additional teaching opportunity. Then plan and pull resources to meet students needs. This skill needs to be evaluated for mastery in a SCA that is not your SCA for the week. Extra Info: Documentation can be kept in a binder to be entered into Edugence every three weeks at grading period windows. Documentation of students and targeted skills needs to be in lesson plan under Computer Lab. RTI protocols can be found in HEB Curriculum under Response to Intervention.

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