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Jianfeng Luo and David A. Dornfeld
Material Removal Mechanism in Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP): Theory and Modeling SFR Workshop November 8, 1999 Jianfeng Luo and David A. Dornfeld Berkeley, CA This work aims to develop a comprehensive model to explain the fundamental mechanism of material removal in chemical mechanical polishing 4/29/2019
Basic Idea of the CMP Model
Basic Equation of Material Removal: MRR= NwVol where N is the number of active abrasives, w the density of wafer and Vol the mean volume of material removed by a single active abrasive per unit time. Velocity Vol Softened wafer surface with density w Wafer Abrasive particles in Contact area Abrasive particles in Fluid (All inactive) Polishing pad Pad asperity Active abrasives in Contact area Inactive abrasives in Contact area Schematic of Material removal mechanism 4/29/2019
Wafer-Pad Contact Model: Real Contact Area A and Real Contact Pressure P
Modeling of Pad and Wafer Surface ( A simplification from G-W Contact Model) Pad Surface: i. Uniform distribution of Asperity with Density DSUM ii. Spherical Asperity Tip with Radius R iii. Equal Height of Asperities ( All asperities are in contact with wafer) Wafer Surface: Smooth in comparison with Pad Surface Conclusions Based on Contact Mechanics (Johnson, 1987): i. Apparent Contact Area A0= 0.25 D2 ii. Real Contact Area A= bA0= iii. Real Contact Pressure P= P0A0/A= (1/b1) E*2/3P01/3 where P0 is the down pressure, D the diameter of wafer, E* the effective Young’s modulus, b contact area ratio, and b1 a constant value introduced for simplification. Pad surface Wafer-Pad Contact under Down Pressure P0 Area in Contact (Micro-Scale Size) R An Asperity with spherical tip under Load F (Johnson, 1987) Before deformation After deformation 4/29/2019
Plastic Deformation over Wafer-Particle and Pad-Particle Interfaces
Relative Velocity V Assumption of Spherical Abrasive Particles Indentation Force F on Abrasive Particles is determined by contact pressure P and abrasive size X. Deformation over Wafer-Particle Interface is sliding-plastic deformation: Radius a1 of the projected circle of the indentation and indentation depth 1 can be determined according to F and hardness of Wafer Hw Mean Volume Vol removed by a single particle in unit time is determined by a1, 1 and relative velocity V. Static-Plastic Deformation over Pad-Particle Interface: Indentation depth 2 is determined by hardness Hp of pad and indentation force F. Softened Wafer surface with Hardness Hw Down Pressure P0 on Wafer Top Surface Indentation Depth 1 a1 a X Contact Pressure P Indentation Force F Indentation Depth 2 Pad Asperity with Hardness Hp Schematic of Wafer-Particle, Pad-Particle and Wafer-Pad Contact A Gap X- 1 -2 is introduced between the wafer and pad where the abrasive sits. The gap determines the chance for other abrasives to be involved in material removal. 4/29/2019
Number n of Abrasives (Both Active and Inactive) Captured in Contact Area
Slurry out Total Number nallof Abrasives in Wafer and Pad Interface is determined by G, the concentration of abrasives in the slurry, A0 , the area of wafer surface and L, the height of the asperity after deformation Number nf of Abrasives in Fluid is determined by G, A0 L and Vola where Vola is the volume of all asperities, if the concentration of abrasives in fluid kept as G. Vola is a constant independent of down pressure. Number n of abrasives Captured in the Contact Area is determined by G and Vola n is dependent on the roughness of pad but independent of down pressure. Slurry in Wafer Pad L Slurry in with Concentration G Slurry out with Concentration G Abrasives Captured in Contact Area with Number n Abrasives in Fluid (inactive) with Concentration G Area in Contact (Micro-Scale Size) Constant Volume of An Asperity Before Deformation and After Deformation L Before deformation After deformation 4/29/2019
Size Distribution of Abrasives and Active Abrasive Number
Down Pressure P0 on Wafer Top Surface Portion of Active Abrasives Portion of Inactive Abrasives 1+ 2 Xavg Xmax Xmax- 1- 2 a Xmax- 1- 2 Xmax Xmax Contact Pressure P Size Distribution of Abrasives Indentation Force Fmax Active Abrasive Only abrasives larger than the gap Xmax- 1- 2 introduced by the indentation of largest abrasives can be involved in material removal. So active abrasive number N= where n is the number of abrasives in contact area and the standard deviation if normal distribution is assumed. N is a function of size distribution and hardness of wafer and pad. Inactive Abrasive Pad Asperity Largest Abrasive Schematic of Wafer-Particles, Pad-Particles and Wafer-Pad Contact 4/29/2019
Formulation of Material Removal Rate and Model Verification
MRRmass= N w Vol= C1 (1- [3-C2 P0 1/3 ])P0 1/2V where C1 is a value reflecting the effect of slurry chemicals, slurry abrasives, wafer size, wafer density, wafer hardness, pad roughness and pad materials, C2 is a value reflecting the effect of slurry abrasives (size distribution), wafer and pad hardness and pad roughness. Most Influential Parameters are: Contact Area, Hardness of Pad and Abrasive Size Distribution. Model Verification: Proof 1. Two sets of Oxide CMP experimental MRR results, Fig. 1, under different down pressures are used to verify the pressure dependence in the MRR formulation. Lines 9 and 10 in Figure 1 show the prediction. The pressure dependence is correct for both oxide CMP and metal CMP. Table 1 shows the probability of active abrasives for data set 1 calculated using the experimental data. Fig. 1 Oxide CMP Proof 2. Estimation of MRR by estimating input parameters in the MRR formulation. The same order of MRR with that of experimental MRR can be obtained. The same range (0.5%~ 1.7%)of active abrasive probability as shown in Table 1 can be obtained by substituting typical abrasive size and pad hardness value into the formulation. P0 5psi 7psi 9psi 11psi % 0.896 1.092 1.287 1.474 Table 1. Probability of active abrasives 4/29/2019
Progress vs Milestones
Process Modeling Year 1 Develop experimental database for CMP modeling and sensitivity analysis. (Done) Year 2 Develop integrated CMP model and evaluate planarization efficiency predictions. (On-going) 4/29/2019
Conclusion and Future Work
A model is developed to explain the material removal mechanism in CMP based on assumptions of plastic contact over wafer-abrasive and pad-abrasive interfaces, the normal distribution of abrasive size and the periodic roughness of the pad surface. Compared with previous work at modeling (e.g., Preston’s equation) the model integrates pressure and velocity as well as wafer hardness, pad hardness, pad roughness and abrasive size to predict the material removal rate. The model may provide a quantitative tool for consumable design Better process control may be realized using the proposed model Future work in : Further experimental verification of the model. Investigation of influence of CMP process variables based on the model including: pad hardness, contact area ratio, and abrasive size distribution. Modeling of Step Reduction Mechanism of Patterned Wafer. Comprehensive Study of WIWNU. 4/29/2019
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