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Session 4: Working with new actors Break-out discussions

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1 Session 4: Working with new actors Break-out discussions
Group 4 Better coordination for efficient national statistical systems: What is the added value of technology (i.e. IT systems)? Facilitator: Rajiv Ranjan

2 Outline Group Members Challenges
Best practices, successful strategies, mechanisms and tools Questions Start off with an outline of the presentation

3 Group Members Beata Suszterova (Expertice France)
Chhinme Tshering (Bhutan) Pudji Ismartini (Indonesia) Maria Vivar (Peru) Eric Anvar (OECD) Leilua Taulealo (Samoa) Emilia Rossi (PARIS21) Karina Cazarez (PARIS21) Please show all group members – no need to verbally say everyone’s name

4 Group Work Please show all group members – no need to verbally say everyone’s name

5 Identify challenges for the coordination within national statistical systems
Define and enforce standards Ensuring standardised processes; methodology; Resources Duplication of efforts; Financing and resources; lack of budget; Governance setup Policies; Organisational setting; lack of NSS understanding; strength of mandate; competition between agencies; lack of political support; access to micro-data; Multiple sources of data; political co-operation Human capacity Capacities; skills; data literacy; knowledge management Process efficiency Standards in statistical business processes; IT infrastructure; Respondant fatigue (NSO workload)

6 How can technology be used to improve the coordination in the National Statistical Systems?
Lack of clarity of governance setup: (Dependent on resource availability) Integrate IT systems into business solutions Data standards Open IT systems Metadata driven quality by design HR capacity Online knowledge sharing system Feedback based system Open source community Process efficiency Metadata system Reference open source community

7 Not all co-ordination problems can have an IT solution
“rubber ducks cannot replace humans”

8 Questions? If remaining time, you can open the floor to questions.


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