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IS 455 Project Management Agenda: - Take role call

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1 IS 455 Project Management Agenda: - Take role call
- Ask for anyone I missed - Show agenda on next slide Post-mortem: This class ended up going really well as we spent time accumulating students take on what the features of a PM are. At the end we had a fairly in depth list that shows how difficult it is to be a good PM. There are a lot of skills required to be a good PM and a lot of confusion on exactly what it is that makes a good PM. =>Strong case for course. IS 455 Project Management

2 Introduction Todays Class: Introduction Announcements Syllabus
Schedule Format Materials Availability Survey Classroom Exercise Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

3 This is IS 455 – Project Management Instructor: Tom Sulzer
Introduction This is IS 455 – Project Management Instructor: Tom Sulzer I wrote software professional for over 20 years. I am a husband, father of 3 sons. 2 are in college 1 is a Senior in high school I have been in and round project management for a number of years in various capacities I can say most assuredly, that once you think you have figured out all there is to know about being a PM, something totaly new will come up that you have not encountered before. Something unusual and something that you probably didn’t expect is that I am a 3rd degree black belt in American Free Style Karate. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

4 Announcement – Career Fair
Tip: The best jobs are not advertised. They are typically filled before they are advertised by people that are networked and know about the positions ahead of time!!!! It’s time to networked…. Announcement – Career Fair Who: Everyone should plan to go… What: Meet / network with companies Meet hiring managers Get information first hand Where: 3rd floor Davies Center When: February 13th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Why: At some point you will need a job, and this is the best way to go about getting one. Take an informal survey…. Who has a job already lined up after graduation? Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

5 Who is a Project Manager?
Just think about this question and we will come back to it later. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

6 Syllabus … Office hours Office Software links Goals/Objectives Don’t be late Do your own work Go to the Syllabus. Take the time to show the students where it is at Use office 365 Don’t sit on technical issues. First level is in lobby of Schneider Second level is IS COB intern Third level will be me. Late work: don’t do it. My office hours are from 2:30 – 3:30 or by appointment My office is upstairs in SSS 408 / Schofield 130F Use the software links on the syllabus to at least get a pointer to where you can get the software Goals: Focusing more on being able to write and speak to technical issues and in particular to a business audience. Objectives: See Syllabus Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

7 Schedule… Assignment dates Exam dates Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

8 Introduction Course Format Adaptive Interactive
Discussion and practice oriented Exercise-driven Practice on a case study in a team format Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

9 Introduction Course Materials
Wysocki, Robert K., (2014). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, 7th Edition, (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons) Case Study Materials Copies of slide presentation Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

10 Introduction What’s Expected of Me? Be on time Be actively involved
Be committed to your team members No side conversations No ringing cell phones, pagers, Blackberries, PDAs... Have fun! Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

11 Contemporary Project Environment
Introduction Contemporary Project Environment High Speed High Change Lower Cost Increasing Levels of Complexity More Uncertainty Challenges to Effective Project Management Flexibility and Adaptability Deep Understanding of the Business & Its Systems Take Charge of the Project and Its Management Project Management is Organized Common Sense Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

12 Who is a Project Manager?
Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

13 Software… MS Office - Word - Excel Project Organization: Personal choice -JIRA - MS Project Simulation Powered Leaning (SPL) - more later Get S/W installed. Exams are on the schedule, Don’t plan anything for those time. Software: Get it installed in the first 2 weeks. Fisher Simulation from the web. Won’t be using the software from the book. What do you think we’ll use these tools for? Problem is that we have sort of a limited ability to put you on a project as a project manager So what we are doing is we are going to incorporate community mentors so that you are able to take the theory we talk about in class and then see how it translates to the real world. This is a really great opportunity, and one that I am truly excited about. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

14 Working in teams or groups ….
Biggest thing to take away from this class is that communication is critical to successfully managing teams and being able to collaborate. It is truly impressive what teams can accomplish. Working in teams or groups …. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

15 Chrysler Building in New York
Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

16 In July 1, 1997 Hong Kong was returned to China by Great Brittan
In July 1, 1997 Hong Kong was returned to China by Great Brittan. There is now a highway being built to span that ~17 mile span between Hong Kong and Main land China. This is right through the Zhujang (shujang) River Estuary AKA as the Pearl River or in the past it was know as the Canton River. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

17 Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

18 Who is a Project Manager?
Use what the students put together to answer the question “Who is a Project Manager” Talk to the point about how everyone is responsible for getting themselves organized. Everyone is in charge of getting that done for themselves. Does anyone have someone laying their clothes to wear in the morning? Does anyone have someone telling them their priorities for the week? Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

19 What is IS 455 Project Management about …
Working in teams Learning fundamentals Learning best practices Developing skills Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

20 Schneider 203  Active Learning Classroom…
Classroom is outfitted with a lot of technology - Utilizes pods to enhance collaboration PC at each pod Whiteboard - Integrated technology at your finger tips Can demonstrate your work to the entire class Teacher’s station has confidence monitor All of this doesn’t guarantee that you are going to get a good grade. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

21 Get to know environment
Do the following at a pod: Download the Display Software to your laptop/device Use the local laptop and login to local station and display something. (Can be anything) Use your own device and login to local station and display something. (Can be anything) Have multiple people share the display monitor Logon to the pod computer From the pod’s computer play a video clip Publish your screen to entire classroom Use the white board Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

22 Class Exercise At each work station: Login to the workstation computer
create a list of characteristics that a “Good Project Manager” possesses. Use the pod’s computer to create a Hot Topic List. Note it is important for it to be on the pod’s computer. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

23 Use what the students put together to answer the question “Who is a Project Manager”
Talk to the point about how everyone is responsible for getting themselves organized: - Everyone is in charge of getting that done for themselves. - Does anyone have a personal valet catering to their every need, helping them decide what to wear? - Does anyone have someone telling them their priorities for the week? What types of things do they need to be concerned with? - Features or Scope - How fast things are getting done or Time - Economics of the project or how much it is costing - Overall quality – if there are any defects Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

24 What is Project Management about
Working in teams Learning fundamentals Learning best practices Developing skills Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

25 Availability Survey… Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019
Need to fill out availability forms (Group Meeting Time Survey), On line Qualtrics survey and organize groups based on availability I will group you. Don’t be mean but don’t be too generous. Then categorize your time Group people by availability Evenings MWF Morning MWF Afternoon Have you interned? No Great… Interns not on the same group Any juniors. (A lot like organizing Karate tournament flights) Once all of teams are assigned: Exchange information Make sure it really does work On a single piece of paper write the team member names and give it to me. 8 Teams – 2 of 4 and 6 of 5. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

26 Hot Topic List Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019
Use the pod’s computer to create a Hot Topic List. Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

27 Who is a Project Manager?
Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

28 Next time… Read the case study Pizza Delivered Quickly (PDQ)
background document. Take notes on any questions you may have SDLC Copyright Tom Sulzer © 2019

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