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Mod_05_18 – ASP Current Reserve Scarcity Price Curve parameters are:

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Presentation on theme: "Mod_05_18 – ASP Current Reserve Scarcity Price Curve parameters are:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mod_05_18 – ASP Current Reserve Scarcity Price Curve parameters are:
qRSC1 = 0MW, PRSC1 = 3,000€/MWh; qRSC2 = 500MW, PRSC2 = 500€/MWh. Reserve Scarcity Price is calculated by linear interpolation when reserve provision is less than the requirement, otherwise it is set equal to the Price Floor to prevent it from influencing the rest of the process; However this does not cover two scenarios: When the Short Term Reserve Quantity (qSTR) of provision is greater than the last quantity in the scarcity curve parameters (qRSC2 = 500MW under current parameters); When qSTR is equal to zero. While it is generally understood that Reserve Scarcity Prices would not be calculated outside the bounds of the parameters, and that Full Administered Scarcity Pricing should apply once reserve provision is depleted, this is ambiguous in the current TSC drafting.

2 This proposal intends to make it unambiguous:
Mod_05_18 – ASP This proposal intends to make it unambiguous: A value is only calculated if qSTR is within the bounds of the parameters with an additional check if qSTR <= final qRSC, at the moment 500MW, in order to calculate a Reserve Scarcity Price; Including the first qRSC (at the moment 0MW) within the bounds of what the value of qSTR can equal in calculating a Reserve Scarcity Price; Otherwise Price Floor will be the result.

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