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St John Fisher Catholic Primary School

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1 St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
Numeracy Passports Mrs Sarah Barnes Maths and Year 6 Phase Leader

2 St John Fisher Catholic Primary School
What are Numeracy Passports? St John Fisher Catholic Primary School A way of putting mental maths at the heart of maths teaching and learning. Competitive and enjoyable way of promoting children’s understanding of their mathematical learning. Children progress through basic number skills which are linked to particular continents. Once one continent is completed, the child’s progress is celebrated and they travel to the next continent to work on targets with greater challenge. Children are competing against themselves and their learning and understanding, not against other children. The challenge for each child is to constantly improve and become faster at mental maths.

3 Why have Numeracy Passports?
Basic mathematics skills. Problem solving 3. Mental Maths Do we really want our children to have to get a calculator or use pencil and paper for simple calculations? In reading, the whole point of being able to do the basics – read the words - is to understand what you have read. You can’t say you can read unless you understand the words you have read as a whole text. In maths, the important part is to be able to use the basic skills – number bonds, multiplication tables, halving, doubling -- in problem solving and real life applications. If you want to know what is the best value in the supermarket, you need to be able to work out the price per 100g of a product when it comes in different sizes. Or you want to buy 4 plane tickets at £160 each. Do we really want our children to have to get out a calculator or use paper and pencil for a simple calculation? How would you work this out?

4 What is the cost of 4 plane tickets at £160 each?
How would you solve this question without a pencil and paper or calculator? What is the cost of 4 plane tickets at £160 each?

5 Method 1 Use times tables
4 x 100 = x 6 = 24 so 4 x 60 is 240 = £640. Method Use doubling Double 16 is 32, double 32 is 64. So double 160 is 320, double 320 is £640. It doesn’t matter which way you work it out, as long as you know what to do and can work it out quickly.

6 Lets have a go! Copy down the numbers on the screen onto your grid. We are going to do the 5 times table. You have 30 seconds. Where it says eg 3, you write the answer to 3 x 5. Don’t write the calculation. If you finish all 10 within 30 seconds, write down how many seconds you have left on the clock at the bottom of the page.

7 Passports are based on the continents of the world.
There are currently 7 – we may add another for those that finish all 7. Europe Asia Africa Australasia North America South America Globetrotter Lunar

8 2. Asia Count in 2s up to 20. Count in 5s up to 50.
Date achieved Date achieved Count in 2s up to 20. Count in 5s up to 50. Count in 10s up to 100. Know by heart all number bonds for 10. Know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number up to 5. Recall the doubles of all numbers to at least ten. Recognise odd and even numbers up to 30.

9 8. Lunar Simplify fractions
Date Achieved Simplify fractions Know how to calculate fractions of quantities Find simple percentages(50, 25, 10 or 20%) of quantities or measurements. Find fractional parts of quantities or measurements. Note to start with – shouldn’t need to sing these by the end

10 Where will my child begin?
How quickly can my child progress through each continent? Note to start with – shouldn’t need to sing these by the end

11 Tips 1) Learn what each skill needs - Times tables can be learned by rote or sung to start with. 2) Build up speed. The aim is to get faster. 3) When you think your child is ready to be tested on a part of the passport then initial that section and send the passport into school for the class teacher to see and test. Note to start with – shouldn’t need to sing these by the end

12 When tested in school: Answers need to be instant. They all need to be correct. Practise little and often. Use websites to help. Mathletics

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