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Core Programs English Teaching & Learning Education USA

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1 Core Programs English Teaching & Learning Education USA
The current lack of a consistent brand is the result of decentralization and an absence of strategic planning. An ever-growing avalanche of seemingly-unrelated program platforms and concepts has diluted our brand. The work that the ACN has already begun will facilitate the development of a brand by clearly identifying what is important to us, including the establishment of performance measures and goals to see if we are meeting our objectives. We also need to develop our brand identity by implementing Core Programs in all of our platform offerings. ECA is already strongly supporting these efforts in our Spaces, including with English Language and Student Advising programs. For example: The new American English Online Internet Portal that will become one of the centerpieces of PD programming in the American Spaces Network and on the global internet.  It will be the go-to, central resource repository for teachers and learners of American English and culture. Promotion of the Portal within the American Spaces Network will bring visibility to the site and attention to our American Spaces. The Education USA website, allows EducationUSA and the Regional Educational Advising Coordinators (REACs) to reach potential student visitors throughout the American Spaces Network. iPads in use at Center in Jakarta link seamlessly to the website via desktop icon and to a wide variety of educational institutions and organizations in the United States via the web.  ECA’s Educational Advising Office has distributed collections of 250 books, DVDs, and guides, for use in American Spaces and at PD programming events. ECA provides funding to posts each year to purchase advising materials for the American Corners Binational Centers, Information Resource Centers and other American Spaces.  Nearly 100% of American Corners have educational advising materials available for visitors. The depth, breadth and flexibility of materials in ECA’s educational advising collection allow REACs and Embassy PD staff to select the right mix of materials for their local audiences.  About 75% of American Corners regularly host educational advisers for public information sessions on how to study abroad in the United States. English Teaching & Learning Education USA Alumni Programs Cultural Programs Information about the U.S.

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