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Last Day of our Second to Last Unit.

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1 Last Day of our Second to Last Unit.
The End of WWII Last Day of our Second to Last Unit.


3 Germany After D-Day (June 6, 1944), the Allies slowly pushed Germany back from France. At the same time the Russians were pushing Germany from the East. Germany was running out of resources because it’s difficult to fight a 2 Front war.

4 Battle of the Bulge In December of 1944 the Germans try one last attempt to drive the Allies back. They stage a surprise blitzkrieg attack on the Northwest line of the Allies.

5 Germany Loses Although they were successful in the beginning, eventually Germany runs out of fuel. The Allies are now on their way to crushing Germany.

6 Things Fall Apart Italy was taken over by Allied troops In April of Mussolini was captured and executed.

7 Things Fall Apart The Soviet Union was scoring massive victories on the Eastern Front, taking thousands of Germans prisoner and liberating Concentration Camps.

8 The Battle of Berlin By April 1945 it was clear Germany would lose.
Both the US and the Soviet Union were not only thinking of victory, but what would come AFTER the victory. The Soviets were the closest to Berlin, and they were the ones who encircled the city, forcing its eventual surrender.

9 Battle of Berlin With his capital city surrounded and all hope lost, Hitler commits suicide in his wartime bunker. Soon after the Germans surrender. VE Day- May 8, Victory in Europe Day.

10 Now, on to Japan…… Your Task
Create at t-chart in which you plot “pros” and “cons” of dropping the atomic bomb. You must have 10 “pros” and 10 “cons” Decide if you are “pro bomb” are “anti bomb”

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