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How do we go from this to this…

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Presentation on theme: "How do we go from this to this…"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we go from this to this…
By 1933, more than 9,000 banks had failed. In 1932, 30,000 companies went out of business. By million people out of 125 million were unemployed

2 We know the stock market was unstable…

3 Unstable Economy of 1920s Income for the average American did not keep up with the amount they wanted to spend Everything was purchased on installment plans Banks loaned lots of money so people could buy, buy, buy Businesses kept churning out more products The rich kept getting richer Businesses and banks speculated in the stock market What was the problem??? Overproduction, decreased demand for goods inevitable, overextended people & banks Multiplier effect People could no longer buy bc not enough money OR already have durable goods/house, et cetera people overextend themselves going to start defaulting on loans businesses who anticipate too much business will start going undre THIS IS ALL NORMAL

4 This is all somewhat normal
Trough – economic term low point

5 Why the recession turned to a depression

6 Why did so many banks fail???
Bank speculation People could not repay loans Run on the bank

7 What happened when so many banks failed???
People lost all of their money Less banks existed to loan out money/less money was in circulation Many banks “called in loans” in fear of run and businesses then had to lay off workers and/or close

8 What was no one doing??? Spending money! Why was that significant?
Could we have sold more to foreign countries???? Trade/tariff wars World wide depression

9 What caused the Depression?

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