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Learning Objective: Agenda:

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1 Learning Objective: Agenda:
Today I will be able to summarize the results of blitzkrieg in WWII by writing the causes & effects of German invasions. Agenda: Learning Objective Reading Sheet: Ch Hitler’s Lightning War Lecture Notes: Ch WWII Begins Exit Slip

2 History Channel: Did WWI Lead to WWII?
Explain, how is it that the world war never really end? What feelings fueled the start of WWII? What could have been done differently to avoid a WWII?

3 Reading Sheet: Ch. 16.1 Hitler’s Lightning War
April 1940—April 1941—June 1941—August 1941—Fall season of 1941 Why did Poland fall to Germans so quickly? Why did Germany lose the Battle of Britain? What happened when Germany invaded the Soviet Union? Name two ways in which the United States supported the Allies. ?

4 Lecture Notes: Ch. 16.1 WWII Begins
By 1939, Hitler had already taken over Rhineland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. Later on demanded Danzig (Polish Corridor)

5 Blitzkrieg Polish Invasion
“lightning war”—new military strategy of a quick surprise attack. Polish Invasion Sep. 1, 1939 Germans invade Poland Hitler confident because of multiple appeasements & nonaggression pact with USSR Sep. 3, France & GB claim war on Germany.

6 Soviet Union also invades Poland, Sep. 17, 1939
Stalin annexed northern Poland, Latvia, and Estonia. Struggled to conquer Finland, but succeeded March 1940.

7 Phony War French, British, and German troops mobilized along Maginot Line—along France’s border with Germany. Sitzkrieg or “sitting war” Ended after German surprise attack in Denmark & Norway on April 4, 1940.

8 The strike on Norway & Denmark was a strategy to invade France.
German travel through Ardennes within Luxemburg & Belgium. Distracted French troops defending Belgium & Luxemburg as German troops squeezed their way to France.

9 Germans reach Dunkirk & trap Allies in Belgium.
Great Britain sends rescue to Dunkirk Royal Navy ships, yachts, lifeboats, motorboats, fishing boats– a very unprepared army force. May 1940-June 1940 Paris invaded By June 4, 1940 French surrendered by June 22, 1940.

10 Germans control Northern France while their puppet, Marshal Philippe Petain controls southern France. Charles de Gaulle French general leads the French gov.-in-exile from London. Broadcasted the resistance against Germany. French resistance was called Free French.

11 Exit Slip What if ISIS were to perform a blitzkrieg here in the United States, how would your life quickly change? How might this change be similar to the way some people’s lives changed after Nazi’s invaded Poland.

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