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New York By T L.

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Presentation on theme: "New York By T L."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York By T L

2 state symbols Beaver apple

3 State facts 11th state Bordering States Rhode Island 1664 Vermont
Massachusetts Connecticut New Jersey Pennsylvania Rhode Island 1664

4 State product Maple syrup Grapes Lumbering cherries

5 Famous people Macaulay Culkin Adam Sandler

6 3 additional facts Fossils found in new York
Biggest City - New York City 27th largest state

7 Native Plants and Animals
black bear, wild turkey, deer, raccoon, skunk, Canada goose, fox, swan, bobcat and rabbit. catfish Box Elder Red Maple

8 summery So you can see new York is a good state to visit

9 Reference Social studies book

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