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Word Problems using Reference Table G

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1 Word Problems using Reference Table G

2 Table G problems involve setting up a proportion to compare original verses new data find amount solute required for given amount of solvent Or find amount solvent required for given amount of solute

3 Problem: How much KCl will dissolve in 300 grams of water at 50C? Use the graph to set up a proportion 42 g KCl = X g KCl 100 g H2O g H2O X = 126g KCl

4 How much H2O is required to just dissolve 200 g NaNO3 at 20C?
88 g NaNO3 = 100 g H2O 200 g NaNO3 X g of H2O X = g H2O

5 Ex: precipitation word problem
A saturated solution of KNO3 is prepared in 100 g of water at 50C and then cooled down to 10C. How much KNO3 will precipitate?

6 88 g KNO3 in 100 g H2O at 50C 20 g KNO3 in 100 g H2O at 10C 88 g – 20 g = 68 g KNO3 precipitates

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