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International Labour Standards’ Characteristics and Standards’ Setting

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1 International Labour Standards’ Characteristics and Standards’ Setting
International Training Centre of the ILO

2 International Training Centre of the ILO
Why have ILS? A path to decent work An international legal framework for fair and stable globalization A level playing field A means of improving economic performance A safety net in times of economic crisis A strategy for reducing poverty Sharing the sum of international experience International Training Centre of the ILO

3 International Training Centre of the ILO
International Training Centre of the ILO

4 International Labour Standards
Conventions International treaties When ratified, are legally binding If not ratified, could represent legal objectives and influence national legislation 188 Conventions (as of May 2009) Recommendations Not open to ratification Not legally binding Provide general or technical guidelines on national policy and practice 199 Recommendations (as of May 2009) Protocols International Training Centre of the ILO

5 Subjects covered by ILS
Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations Forced labour Elimination of child labour and protection of children and young persons Equality of opportunity and treatment Tripartite consultation Labour administration and inspection Employment policy and promotion Vocational guidance and training Employment security Social policy Wages Working time Occupational safety and health Social security Maternity protection Migrant workers Seafarers Fishers Dockworkers Indigenous and tribal peoples Specific categories of workers Social policy International Training Centre of the ILO

6 International Training Centre of the ILO
International Training Centre of the ILO

7 International Training Centre of the ILO
International Training Centre of the ILO

8 The Double-discussion Procedure
Suggestions from governments, workers, employers, ILO Office, UN Agencies, etc. Role of social partners: GOVERNING BODY Participation OFFICE: I Report Governments Consultation OFFICE: II Report Governments Consultation TRIPARTITE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE First discussion Participation OFFICE: III Report Governments Consultation OFFICE: IV Report Governments Consultation TRIPARTITE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Second discussion Participation CONFERENCE PLENARY Adoption Participation International Training Centre of the ILO

9 International Training Centre of the ILO
General Discussion Standard-Setting First Discussion Second Discussion 2009 - Gender equality at the heart of decent work (general discussion) - Strengthening national responses to HIV/Aids in the world of work ( with a view to the adoption of an autonomous Recommendation) None 2010 - Recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of employment - Review of the follow-up to the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work - Decent work for Domestic workers (Standard setting) 2011 - Recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of social protection [V. Postponed item: Employment and social protection in the new demographic context. The Governing Body at its 306th Session (November 2009) will decide on how this question will be dealt with. ] International Training Centre of the ILO

10 Standards-Setting Policy
Since 1994 : Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards (pre-1985 instruments) Governing Body document GB 298/LILS/4 ... Implications for Standards setting Ratification promotion Supervision of ratified and unratified instruments International Training Centre of the ILO

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