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May Forum May 9, 2013
REVERSE AUCTIONS Tim Walbert Pulaski Technical College
Proposed Rules R6:19-11-203. Hidden Damages.
(a) Under subsection (14)(EE), “hidden or unknown damages” refers to damages to machinery needing repair that were not visible or readily apparent to, or were otherwise not within the knowledge of agency personnel at the time the piece of machinery was being serviced by a vendor. By way of example and not limitation, if an agency takes a piece of machinery to a vendor to repair one or more problems, and in the course of such work the vendor notices one or more additional problems that need repair, the agency may, but is not required to, authorize that vendor to undertake such additional repairs without having to solicit competitive bids. (b) “Machinery” means mechanical devices or combinations of mechanical powers and devices purchased or constructed and used to perform some function and to produce a certain effect or result. (c) This exemption does not apply to damages that are visible, readily apparent, or that are or could be within the knowledge of agency personnel with the exercise of reasonable inspection or investigation.
R1: Agency Commodity Management Procedures – Disposition of Commodities Other Than Computers and Electronic Equipment. (a) Resale. Marketing and Redistribution (“M&R”) shall make available to agencies, or tax-supported entities, or not-for-profit organizations as defined in Ark. Code Ann. § commodities in serviceable condition and/or commodities of potential use by agencies, or tax-supported entities, or not-for-profit organizations for a twenty-day period prior to making them available to the general public. During the twenty-day hold period, commodities shall be sold to agencies, or tax-supported entities, or not-for-profit organizations by Marketing and Redistribution. Commodities that historically have not sold to agencies, or tax-supported entities, or not-for-profit organizations or items that are unserviceable may be offered for sale to the general public without the requirement of the twenty-day hold period. The Director may waive the 20 twenty-day requirement when he determines that such waiver is in the state’s best interest.
R3: Not-For-Profit Organizations. “Not-for-profit organization” means a private corporation under § et seq., that is an exempt organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), and that: (1) Has a benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or charitable purpose; and (2) Performs a function that would be performed at the public expense if it were not performed by the organization.
R1: Protest Periods. (b)(1) The second such period to protest is open only to those persons who actually submitted bids or responses to a solicitation. Such persons may protest the award of a contract in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days after they know or should have known of the facts giving rise to their protest. (2) The word “actual” in the phrase “actual bidder, offeror, or contractor” modifies each noun in the phrase, so that the second protest period is open only to actual bidders or actual offerors, as opposed to those persons or vendors that did not submit a bid or make an offer; and actual contractors, not merely subcontractors or potential subcontractors, whether named or unnamed. Persons or vendors that may have an interest in a particular solicitation or contract but who did not actually submit a bid are not eligible to protest an award of a contract.
R1:19-11-264. Submission of Contracts With Members of
the General Assembly. All contracts or amendments to contracts with a member of the General Assembly, his or her spouse, or with any business in which such a person or his or her spouse is an officer, a director, or a stockholder owning more than ten percent (10%) of the stock in the business must be presented to the Legislative Council or the Joint Budget Committee, if the General Assembly is in session. (b) Such contracts or amendments to contracts must be submitted to the Office of State Procurement in accordance with all applicable policies and guidelines as prescribed on the Office of State Procurement website.
Arkansas NIGP Meeting Thursday, May 23rd 11:30
Bill & Hillary Clinton International Airport Box lunch – $10 Must respond by 5/10 to
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form By Ray S. Pierce, J.D.
Executive Order 98-04 Contract and Grant Disclosure Form By Ray S. Pierce, J.D.
Executive Order 98-04 Where can I find a copy?
Go to the Office of State Procurement’s website (
Executive Order 98-04 Click on Government
Executive Order 98-04 Click on Regulations
Executive Order 98-04 Click on Disclosure Rules and Regulations/ Executive Order 98-04
Anyone Remember Me? Former Sen. Nick Wilson of Pocahontas pleaded guilty in 2000 to a single racketeering charge. He was convicted of tax evasion and conspiracy charges in 1999. Wilson admitted being the ringleader of three schemes to bilk money from state programs benefitting children and injured school workers. Federal prosecutors said he planned and directed four separate schemes to divert $5 million in state money from child-support enforcement, workers compensation for the state School Board and a program to provide legal counsel for children caught up in divorce cases. In the case of the divorce program, Wilson and his associates "corrupted the legislative process of the Arkansas General Assembly" by establishing a program to provide legal counsel to children in divorce cases with no intention of actually providing the services, the indictment said. Wilson and the other legislators funneled the money to contractors who returned most of it to them, the indictment says.
Executive Order 98-04 Issued by Governor Huckabee in 1998.
Purpose is to require anyone attempting to contract with the State of Arkansas to disclose whether that person is a “current or former member of the General Assembly, Constitutional Officer, Board or Commission Member, State employee” (public employees) or the spouse or immediate family member of any of these. These disclosure requirements apply to not only individuals seeking to do business with the State but also to companies.
Executive Order 98-04 For companies desiring to contract with the State, they must disclose whether any public employees have a position of control or ownership interest of 10% or greater in the company. Agencies are prohibited from contracting with any public employee or company as described above unless: The contract was a result of competitive sealed bidding or a Request for Proposal (RFP). The total consideration for the contract is less than $10,000.
Executive Order 98-04 In 2005, DFA promulgated rules to clarify and give more detail on the Executive Order. The 2005 rules provided several definitions that are helpful: Agency or State Agency: Every department or board or commission, or other office of State government within the Executive branch. Constitutional Officer: Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Attorney General, and Land Commissioner.
Executive Order 98-04 Definitions (continued):
State Employee: Any employee of a State agency in a regular salary or extra help position. Immediate Family Member: Spouse, child (step- children included), parents (step-parents and in- laws included), and siblings.
Executive Order 98-04
Executive Order 98-04 Contracts exempt from disclosure requirements:
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
“Individuals” means a person contracting with the State outside of a corporate entity (i.e. a sole proprietorship).
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
If the person or sole proprietor has nothing to disclose, then the “None of the above applies” box needs to be checked.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here is an example of properly filled out disclosure form for Mr. John Q. Public, who is hoping to contract with the Department of Human Services. He has quite a family.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Use this section when the vendor is a corporate entity (i.e. NOT a sole proprietorship). The disclosures here will be for people that have an ownership interest in (10% or greater) or a position of control in the vendor company.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
If the corporate entity has nothing to disclose, then the “None of the above applies” box needs to be checked.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Example of properly filled out disclosure for a corporate entity (ABC, Inc.) looking to contract with the State. ABC, Inc. is a for profit company that has 50 employees and a Board of Directors. Several of the people that work for ABC, Inc. have a past or present relationship with State government. ABC, Inc. will be contracting with Department of Health to provide services.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that:
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that: He is a current
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that: He is a current legislator
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that: He is a current legislator, his dates of service,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that: He is a current legislator, his dates of service, his name,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s an easy one: Rep. John Doe is the Secretary of Board of Directors and owns 15% of ABC, Inc. Thus, his company must disclose that: He is a current legislator, his dates of service, his name, and his ownership interest and/or position of control.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Here’s another one we see quite often. It, too, is a fairly easy one. The CFO of ABC, Inc., seeking to contract with ADH, is also on the State Board of Public Accountancy.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission, is currently serving
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission, is currently serving on the State Board of Public Accountancy,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission, is currently serving on the State Board of Public Accountancy, his dates of service,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission, is currently serving on the State Board of Public Accountancy, his dates of service, his name,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, from here, we see that the covered person is on a state board or commission, is currently serving on the State Board of Public Accountancy, his dates of service, his name, and his ownership interest or position of control.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
What happens when a covered person (the person that has to disclose) has an immediate family member that works in State government? The limitations of the form can make this difficult to completely explain. In a nutshell, the information needed is: Where within government the relative works and his/her position. The name of that relative. His or her relationship to the covered person. The covered person’s ownership/interest and position of control.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Let’s say Frieda Fasttalker is the sole owner of Flimflam, LLC. Flimflam, LLC, is seeking a services contract with ADH. Her son, Felix Fasttalker, is an epidemiologist with ADH. Felix has nothing to do with Flimflam, LLC. Under EO98-04 and the Rule, this relationship still must be disclosed. So, how do we fill out the form to capture the information we need? (Hint: It will be hard on the form as currently set up.)
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
How is the form filled out?
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
How is the form filled out? Clearly, start by checking the current State Employee box.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
How is the form filled out? Clearly, start by checking the current State Employee box. Next, fill out the State Government job held,
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
How is the form filled out? Clearly, start by checking the current State Employee box. Next, fill out the State Government job held, and dates.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
How is the form filled out? Clearly, start by checking the current State Employee box. Next, fill out the State Government job held, and dates. Here are the places where it can get very confusing.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
It is important to keep in mind what information we’re trying to capture here and the point behind it.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
It is important to keep in mind what information we’re trying to capture here and the point behind it. Basically, what the law is looking for is a) who is the State employee, b) the relationship between the State employee and the covered person, and c) the covered person’s relationship to (ownership in or position of control with) the vendor company.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Unfortunately, as you see, there’s not enough room on the form to put in all the State employee information here, especially if the vendor uses the online form. The online form doesn’t shrink or wrap text to allow for a lot of data entry.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
One can try to put the necessary information in this box, but it has the same limitations.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, what should a vendor do if there simply is not sufficient space to provide all of the necessary information?
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, what should a vendor do if there simply is not sufficient space to provide all of the necessary information? Provide additional information in an attachment. Make sure the disclosure form refers to an attachment.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
So, what should a vendor do if there simply is not sufficient space to provide all of the necessary information? Provide additional information in an attachment. Make sure the disclosure form refers to an attachment. Use as many additional sheets of paper as necessary to provide all the information required.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Something like this:
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Something like this: On an attached sheet, Frieda Fasttalker should explain that she is the sole owner of Flimflam, LLC, and that she has a son, Felix Fasttalker, who is an epidemiologist with the Department of Health, and that her son has no ownership interest or position of control in the business.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
Make sure the vendor signs, dates, and completely fills out this box on Page 2 of the form.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
REMINDER: The agency is responsible for filling out the “Agency use only” box on Page 2 of the form.
Contract and Grant Disclosure Form
While that may seem complicated or cumbersome to a vendor, it may be necessary to capture all the information we need to evaluate the disclosures pursuant to EO98-04.
Year End Instructions Susan Rojas Aasis Service Center
Fiscal Year-End Deadlines
All agencies must clean up purchasing documents before year-end to properly reflect their program activity level for FY 2013 by: Eliminating unwanted Purchase Orders Closing open Purchase Requisitions Reducing open Funds Reservations Deleting PO lines with discontinued account assignments (those carrying Cost Center, WBS Element, and/or Internal Order), which will no longer be valid in the new fiscal year Close POs you no longer need Close open PRs Reduce open funds reservations Delete PO lines which have outdated account information
ASC will carry forward the following open commitments where there is sufficient budget in the new fiscal year to cover the commitment. NOTE: Agencies should be aware that POs and commitments carried forward into FY must pass a FY 2014 budget validation or they will be reversed and deleted in FY 2013 by ASC prior to the system being available for normal operations on Friday, July 5, 2013. Purchasing documents can only be carried forward into FY14 if you have enough budget available. If there is not budget enough to cover the document, your document will be reversed and deleted by ASC during the year end closeout
Exclusions from carry forward:
No held or blocked Purchase Orders (POs) will be carried forward from FY 2013 to FY 2014. No Purchase Requisitions will be carried forward from FY 2013 to FY 2014. No Purchase Orders (POs) created prior to FY will be carried forward even if line items were added in FY 2013. Purchase Orders (POs) created in FY 2013 will be carried forward only if sufficient budget exists in FY 2014 to support the entire document. Held or blocked POs cannot be carried forward PRs will not be carried forward POs created before FY13 will not be carried forward, even if they have some new lines Only POs created in FY13, with sufficient budget to cover the entire PO will be carried forward.
A Goods Receipt (MIGO) transaction must not be keyed unless goods or services have actually been received. An Invoice Receipt (MIRO) transaction must not be keyed unless invoice has actually been received. Purchase Orders which require account assignment information changes (Cost Center, Internal Order, WBS Element, Asset number, and/or G/L Account) Delete existing line with incorrect data Add new line for desired account assignment Basic rules: You cannot create a goods receipt unless you’ve received the product. An invoice receipt cannot be entered unless you’ve received an invoice. Correcting account assignment info, ensures budget accuracy and avoids errors that might otherwise result from changing the account assignment on an existing line item that has already been posted.
Agency Responsibilities
Clear by posting or deleting all parked, saved as complete, held or blocked documents and invoices prior to June 28, Any documents remaining in parked status on June 28, prior to the start of the final payment run will be deleted by DFA – Office of Accounting. GR/IR items should be reviewed. Any old items should be researched and processed to completion through an invoice receipt or through the reversal of receipts (if paid in another manner), etc. This activity should be completed early in June 2013. Agency duties Post or delete all parked, saved as complete, held, or blocked documents and invoices before 6/28. If you neglect to clear any documents, they will be deleted. Review GR/IR items. If you have received it, do a GR, if you have received the invoice, process it. If they should be cancelled, do so soon.
POs containing assets should not be carried forward
If your Outline Agreement has a validity date after 6/30/2013 it will show on the transparency website. If that is not correct, make your edits. POs containing assets should not be carried forward Transparency was started last year. Any outline agreements show a validity date of 6/30 or greater, appears on the transparency website. It is important we ensure these dates are correct so that they appear if they should and do not appear if they shouldn’t. POs with assets can be problematic during year end. You should not carry forward these documents, but instead create a new PO for this asset for the new fiscal year.
End of Year calendar Friday, June 28
DFA personnel will be conducting year end related activities during this time period. Agency personnel will be locked out of the AASIS system. Friday, July 5 AASIS Service Center opens FY2014 period 1 for posting AASIS Service Center unlocks user roles by 7:00 AM to begin normal operations. Our final day of FY13 is 6/28/2013. you must have your documents cleaned up by then. You can begin working again in aasis 7am, 7/5/2013 for FY2014.
AASIS Reports to Assist You
The following 4 slides offer a list of transactions to help you find, review, and make adjustments as needed for: Outline agreements Purchase requisitions Purchase orders AP documents
Transactions used for yearend cleanup:
Outline agreements must be output in ME9K Outline agreements must have validity dates opened in order to close outstanding POs and then changed back. If Outline agreement has validity date passed 6/30/2013, it will show on the transparency website. – Change OA ME32K Where Do You Go To Look At Your Budget And View The Commitments? The Actual Budget report - Transaction Y- BCS_ The Open Commitment Item report – Transaction ZCMT
What Reports Can You Run To View Your Open/Held Purchase Requisitions?
• List Display Of Purchase Requisitions – Transaction ME5A • List Display Of Open Requisitions – Transaction ZOPENREQ What Reports Can You Run To View Your Open/Held/Blocked Purchase Orders? • Display List Of GR/IR Balances – Transaction MB5S • Purchasing Document Per Document Number – Transaction ME2N Purchasing Documents Per Account Assignment - ME2K
What Reports Can You Run To View Outline Agreements and their Release POs
Purchasing Document Per Document Number – Transaction ME2N OSP B--Annual Minority Report - Transaction ZMM12 What Reports Can You Run To View Expiring Outline Agreements Purchasing Documents Per Document Number - ME3N Purchase Orders With An Open Invoice – Transaction ZPO_OPEN_INV Purchase Orders That Have Been Partially Received and/or Invoiced - ZPO_PARTGR_IR. What Reports Can You Run to Find Invoicing Errors? Vendor Line Item Display Report – Transaction FBL1N Purchase Order Vendor Payment Report – ZPOVP
What Reports Can You Run to Find Open AP Documents that are committing budget in error?
• Open Commitment Report – Transaction ZCMT • Display Parked Document Report – Transaction FBV3 • Parked Vendor Invoices – Transaction ZFI_PARKHELD_RPT • Open Item AP Report – Transaction ZOPENITEMAP • The Actual Budget Report – Transaction Y-BCS_ Change Purchase Requisition – ME52N Change Purchase Order – ME22N Delete Parked Invoice Documents – FBV0 Delete Parked Invoice Documents – Transaction FBV2 Reversing A Posted But Unpaid Direct Vendor Invoice Or A Direct Vendor Credit Memo– Transaction FB08 Reversing A Posted But Unpaid Logistics Vendor Invoice Or A Logistics Vendor Credit Memo – Transaction MR8M. Clearing Vendor Open Items For A Logistics Invoice – Transaction F-44 Change An Unpaid Logistics or Direct Vendor Invoice Or A Logistics or Direct Vendor Credit Memo – Transaction FB02 What Reports Can You Run To View Vendor Status, i.e. Blocked/Deleted - Display Vendor - Transaction XK03
Points of Contact For AASIS courseware regarding PO and Invoice Clean-up: If you have any questions regarding performing AASIS transactions, please call the AASIS help desk at (501) and log a help desk ticket. I realize the URL is tiny. You will have access to it on the OSP website. It is found within your ESS site under aasis training/material management
WORKFLOW What is it anyway? Susan Rojas Aasis Service Center
Objectives Today, we will discuss What is workflow?
What is a release strategy? What is a release code? What is a release group? How does a manual approval effect workflow? Where can I read my messages? Who approves my document next?
Definitions Workflow Workflow for SAP, as the name suggests, means flow of work, may be from one person to another person. It is in fact a sequence of connected activities resulting in exchange of information. Release Strategy The release strategy defines the approval process for purchasing documents. The strategy specifies the release codes with which a complete purchase document must be released (approved) and the sequence in which approvals have to be given. Workflow – describes how the document flows for approval within the system. User will be alerted when they have documents pending release. When the workflow item is accessed, the system automatically takes the approver into the correct transaction to execute the release. Release strategy – the process and sequence for approvals. A set of approvers is derived by applying the release code determined by AASIS when document is saved, against release codes of authorized users.
Definitions (cont.) Release Code
Two character identifier used to approve a document. All requisitions valued less than $25,000 are approved with a single release code. All requisitions valued at $25,000. or higher require two approvals before the final release is recognized by the system. Release Group One for each document type. Contains one or more release strategies. Release Code – 7 agency codes defined for the release group RQ (requisitions) based on the total value of the requisition. If your PR is under $25K you’ll need one release code. If your PR is over $25K you’ll need 2 release codes. Agencies have 1 release code, ‘AG’ for Pos and OAs. OSP has 4 release codes for POs and OAs: Along with AG for agency documents created by OSP, OSP has OA for Professional services, SP for Emergency purchases and sole source purchases and SB for State building services. All depend upon document type, dollar amount and the release strategy configured in the system. Release Group – AASIS has three. A1 – outline agreements P1 – POs RQ - PRs
Results of Avoiding Workflow
After Purchase Order Workflow transaction was changed to call up ME28 only, you can no longer reject or change a PO via workflow or manually change the document to remove it from your workflow inbox. You can still reserve/replace, forward to other users, and send and attachments via the workflow. You can use the transactions built into SAP to approve documents, however workflow is then ended and it becomes a manual process. s are no longer automatically received in your workflow inbox.
How does workflow happen?
Agency Procurement Specialist Creates PO 4500279108
You or your staff creates a document: an OA, a PR, a PO….
PO creator receives express workflow notification message to select approvers for PO 4500279108
You as the document creator, get a message prompting you to act. You can ignore this message for now, but you will have to go into your AASIS inbox to retrieve and act on it later. If you click the inbox button, you will go directly into your business workplace, where your inbox is located. All messages regarding workflow are received within AASIS, not in Outlook.
Agency Procurement Specialist “Business Workplace”
The image on top shows your inbox. Click on it to get to your Business workplace and manage your documents.
PO document appears in workflow inbox for selection of an approver.
This screen allows you to access your documents
Click on “Display workflow log” icon to see a list of eligible approvers
You can view the valid approvers for your documents, providing they are assigned that role.
Workflow log screen appears
Workflow log screen appears. Click on Agents button: Select approvers for purchase order A pop-up box will appear asking you to select “Which Agents you want to Display”. If you click the agents button, you can view your approver or approvers
List of people authorized to approve appears
List of people authorized to approve appears. The yellow icon to the right of the name signifies the workflow item will appear in their workflow inbox. Exit the screen and green arrow back to the initial workflow screen. Here is a list of your available approver(s). Whichever approver you select will receive notification in their AASIS inbox.
Execute the workflow item
Click execute to initiate the process.
Select approver by checking the box left of name
Select approver by checking the box left of name. You can select more than one approver, if needed. Click on “Autosequence” to send to first approver. Approvers with the appropriate role will appear on your list. Select the correct one(s) and click autosequence to proceed. If you select multiple approvers and one approver is absent, the others will receive the message and your document can proceed.
Click “Done” Click done to complete the process
Workflow items disappears from creator’s workflow inbox.
If you are a duplicate approver, you are given 2 choices when you approve. You can “reserve” or “replace”. Reserve, will keep the document in the other approver’s inbox. Replace will remove the document from the other approver’s inbox. Be sure to use these correctly.
It now appears in creator’s workflow outbox “Work items executed by me”. The status is blue, Completed. System monitors the flow of your document through the approval process.
Selected approver receives an express workflow notification to Approve PO Approver clicks on Inbox button to approve via Workflow, or approve manually via transaction ME28 (which ends workflow). System notifies you of pending approvals.
Document appears in workflow inbox with a status of “ready”.
If you are an approver, check your inbox in your business workplace to check for documents needing approval.
To send document to another approver, click forward button
You can forward a document to another approver, providing they have the approver role
“Choose Agent” pop-up box appears
“Choose Agent” pop-up box appears. Enter AASIS log-in id to forward document. Green check to save The pop up box appears. Use the matchcode to select an approver and save
A pop-up box appears to send to more than one agent (Approver)
A pop-up box appears to send to more than one agent (Approver). Select Yes, to send to multiple agents, and enter their log-on ID in the box-up box. Select “No” to send to one agent. You can select one or more approvers. Click yes to select multiple approvers, click no to select one approver.
Item will be forwarded to the selected agent, and moves from workflow inbox to workflow outbox: Forwarded workflow items. When you approve a document, it is removed from your inbox to your outbox.
To attach a note for an approver, click on Manage Attachment icon, then click on Create attachment.
You can attach a note giving instructions or information to the additional approver.
Enter a header message and Green check.
Create a header message and save
Enter detailed message and save. Green arrow back
Create a detailed note to the next approver. This can be written here or cut and pasted. Save and green arrow back when finished.
Attachment is added to the work item, PO 4500279108
An icon will appear to show an attachment
Forwarded PO and attachment appears in workflow inbox of forwarded agent: with Status “Ready”.
Workflow appears in the next approver’s inbox, ready to review and approve/disapprove
New approver can approve PO document or can forward it back unapproved
New approver can approve PO document or can forward it back unapproved. Disappears from Workflow inbox when finished Documents should be reviewed and can be approved and disapproved within the system.
Document and attachment reappears in workflow inbox.
The attachment flows with the document
Attachment can be read for new additions
Attachment can be read for new additions. Green arrow back to initial screen. The attachment can be reviewed in the system. Green arrow back to continue
Click on document number to view attachments.
Select document to review attachments
PO 4500279108 is display only. Cannot be edited or released.
Edits are not permitted in workflow. If errors are detected, approver must disapprove to send document back to creator.
Click on Header “Release strategy” tab to see release status
Click on Header “Release strategy” tab to see release status. Green arrow back to return to Workflow. Check status of your document on the release strategy tab
Double click on document line item or click on execute icon to take you to Release transaction: ME28
Select document and click on execute icon to release document. System sends you to transaction ME28 but workflow is maintained. Only when you enter ME28 directly is workflow stopped.
AASIS sends you to ME28 to review document, see a print preview, see changes, and/or release document. To release, highlight document and click “Release + save” Approver reviews document, and when satisfied, selects “release” to approve document.
Where is my document? There are a few ways to see the approval status of your document. You can go to the document and check “release strategy”. or Go to your “services for objects” button. Select “workflow” then “workflow overview”. This shows you what step you are on and who needs to act on the approval next.
ZMM7 – Requisition to Check Report
There is another way to check the status of your document. The “Req to check” report. Go to transaction ZMM7. Enter all relevant data.
ZMM7 - Requisition to Check Report
Transaction ZMM7 – Req to check report will show where a document is in the system. In our example, we see 4 Pos. the center 2 Pos have had GRs created against them. No invoices have been paid against these documents. I have removed many of the columns to fit to this screen.
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