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What does Popular Sovereignty mean?

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Presentation on theme: "What does Popular Sovereignty mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does Popular Sovereignty mean?

2 If you are a legal immigrant and want to obtain citizenship through the process of naturalization you must sign a Declaration of Intention, live in America for 5 years, be 18 years of age, pass an interview and what two other important steps?

3 What two ways that someone can gain US citizenship through naturalization?

4 List three things that legal aliens are able to do despite not being citizens?

5 True or False: Legal aliens are permitted to vote.

6 Under a democracy, who holds the political power?

7 What type of government does the United States have?

8 Under a monarchy, who holds the majority of all political power and how is it passed on?

9 How do Americans themselves run the government?

10 Give an example of a country with an absolute monarchy.

11 What are the characteristics of a totalitarianism regime
What are the characteristics of a totalitarianism regime? What is a good example from the past? What is the difference between a totalitarianism regime and a democracy? Give a modern day example of a totalitarianism regime.

12 Which document, signed in 1215, implied that the law was above the king?

13 According to John Locke, what are the three main natural rights that government should not be able to take away?

14 What did enlightenment thinkers, such as Locke and Montesquieu, argue?

15 Locke’s ideas on _______________ and natural rights became the cornerstones of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

16 What did the Declaration of Independence list?

17 What does the Declaration of Independence mean when it refers to “Unalienable Rights”?

18 What issue did the Great Compromise solve?

19 What is the name of the compromise that determined how slaves would be counted in terms of representation in Congress?

20 Who were the Anti-Federalists and what were their fears about a national government?

21 To amend the Constitution, a proposed amendment must get the support of how many member of Congress?

22 What are FOUR major principles of American government
What are FOUR major principles of American government? What is the purpose of these principles, do they limit or expand the power of the federal government?

23 What is Rule of Law. Who must follow the Rule of Law
What is Rule of Law? Who must follow the Rule of Law? What could happen to a country without Rule of Law?

24 Explain why the Framers of the Constitution included a system of checks and balances in the Constitution.

25 To protect against abuse of power and the possibility of one person or group gaining too much power, the Framers divided the federal government into three branches. What is this division called? Name the three branches.

26 Define expressed powers, reserved powers, and concurrent powers
Define expressed powers, reserved powers, and concurrent powers. Using the Venn Diagram at the bottom of page 89 to give examples of each.

27 Under the system of federalism, sometimes the federal and state governments come into conflict with each other. Identify two areas that funding may be a concern.

28 Define enumerated powers.

29 What does the Bill of Rights protect?

30 What amendments make up the Bill of Rights?

31 What are the five protected freedoms listed under the 1st Amendment?

32 Explain a limit placed on American's 1st Amendment rights.

33 Define slander and libel.

34 The Fourth Amendment states that law enforcement officers must have what to search your property?

35 What does the Fifth Amendment mean when it says that it protects against “double jeopardy”?

36 What rights are granted under the Sixth Amendment?

37 What does the Second Amendment guarantee?

38 The Tenth Amendment states that all powers not given to the federal government are reserved to whom?

39 What amendments make up the Civil War Amendments?

40 What does the 14th Amendment guarantee?

41 When was the Nineteenth Amendment created and what did it do?

42 Why was the Twenty-Sixth Amendment passed?

43 What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit?

44 What are some responsibilities that every citizen has within this country?

45 What is the difference between a responsibility and a duty?

46 How does the US government earn income?

47 Is serving on a jury an example of a responsibility or a duty?

48 Where do you learn the traits needed to be a good citizen?

49 Congress is part of which branch of government?

50 What does the elastic clause allow the national government to do?

51 Where in the Constitution is the elastic clause located?

52 True or False: Does Congress have the power to tax?

53 Which branch of American government can declare war?

54 The President is the leader of which branch of government?

55 Who is responsible for appointing Federal judges?

56 What are the most direct benefits and primary goal of foreign policy?

57 What is NATO?

58 The Federal Communications Commission, a regulatory board, is an example of what type of agency outside the federal cabinet?

59 The Supreme Court is part of which branch of government?

60 The Constitution gives what law making body the power to establish Federal Courts?

61 The Supreme Court has final authority in any case involving the Constitution, acts of Congress, trade disputes, and what other types of cases?

62 Give an example of a Supreme Court case that uses the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

63 What are the two (main) political parties in America
What are the two (main) political parties in America? What role do political parties have in presidential elections?

64 How did George Washington feel about the role of political parties in the United States?

65 Define recall.

66 Why would voters recall an elected official?

67 What role does the media have in forming public opinion?

68 Define public agenda. In what way can voters help determine the public agenda?

69 What is an interest group?

70 How do interest groups influence public policy?

71 List both a pro and con of interest groups.

72 Define copyright.

73 Explain the International Court of Justice’s roll in international law.

74 The Red Cross is an example of what type of organization?

75 List and give an example of Common Good.

76 List and give an example of Popular Sovereignty.

77 The American's Creed best expresses which of the CDV's.

78 Describe two traits that you believe the American's Creed encompasses.

79 List and give an example of Truth.

80 List and give an example of Liberty.

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