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Main directions of vocational education development

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1 Optimizing the network of vocational schools according to the national economic structure

2 Main directions of vocational education development
The enhancement of skills training is viewed in a broad context that envisages: Establishing a relevant quality assurance system for vocational education; Upgrading skills training management; Optimizing the network and diversification of funding; Upgrading the legislation for vocational education.

3 Establishing a quality assurance system for vocational education
Envisages: Developing competence-based occupational standards; Enhancing the integration of skills training with industry; upgrading the essentials of cooperation between vocational education and business; Monitoring the quality of skills training; Studying and summarizing best practices of school activities.

4 Upgrading skills traiing management
Identifying the correlation between the powers of national and regional educational authorities; between the national goals and local interests Ministry of Educational and Science of Ukraine: Identifies strategic goals and objectives for the vocational educations; sustains the socio-economic balance for its operation. Regions: Identify school development strategies; expand their regional economic ties; ensure efficient cooperation between the schools within one region. A vocational school: Satisfies the ever-changing labour market needs; develops the school training policy Training of qualified managers is an important component for building a qualitatively new management system

5 86 11 The primary goal for optimizing the vocational schools network
optimal application of financial, human, training, and methodological resources; Developing a school network according to the needs of the economy and the industry structure for a specific region Variability of skills training; Introducing new forms of cooperation between vocational schools, industry, and business vocational schools were consolidated schools changed their type 86 11

6 MES Vocational schools network
Number of vocational schools VSs TCs in the penitentiary system VSs with HES

7 Vocational schools network (as of 01.01.2010)
990 vocational schools of various types, including: state vocational schools; training centres in the penitentiary system; vocational and technical schools (as structural units of higher educational establishments) . 874 72 29

8 MES Vocational schools network
Vocational lyceums Vocational schools Total of 874 vocational schools Centres of vocational education Higher vocational schools

9 MES Vocational schools network Number of vocational schools
Industry (incl. transport, communications Construction Agriculture Services

10 MES Vocational schools network Total of 874 vocational schools
Transport Communications - 6 Programs delivered in: 35 types of economic activity, 1300 occupations Construction Industry Total of 874 vocational schools Services Agriculture - 251

11 Government order for skills training
provision in the MES vocational schools Number of persons (seats) VSs TCs in the penitentiary system VSs with HES

12 Government order for skills training
provision in the MES vocational schools Number of persons (seats)

13 на підготовку робітничих кадрів в ПТНЗ МОН України
Fulfilling the Government order for skills training provision in the MES vocational schools на підготовку робітничих кадрів в ПТНЗ МОН України Percentage of accomplishment Light industry Construction Man. industry Agriculture Transp. & communications Catering and retail Services

14 Vocational schools students Vocational schools students
Reduction by or compared with 2009 4.8 % workers – order from the employers for 2010/2011 academic year

15 Vocational schools students
34% students entre vocational schools after completing full secondary education vocational schools students complete their full secondary education together with learning a trade 60% On the average, there are students per school 456

16 MES vocational schools students
Total, thousand persons industry agriculture transport construction retail and public catering Housing and utilities communications

17 The average of 24 students per one teaching staff member
Teaching staff at vocational schools, including: teachers 16 500 instructors 22 000 The average of 24 students per one teaching staff member

18 School principals and public administration:
Managers of skills training School principals and public administration: 183 20 % school principals, or have titles of honour; principles have PhD degrees; Every ninth manager is a local councilor. 16

19 Vocational education reform - 2010
Integrating the vocational education into the global system of skills training; Decentralization of management by delegating additional powers to regional government authorities; Variability of vocational education, offering choices of forms and methods of learning; developing curricula, programs, and occupations focused competence; New form of cooperation between education, industry, and business;

20 Vocational education reform - 2010
Introducing information and communication technologies into the program deliveryі; Professional development on a qualitatively new level; National legislative and regulatory support; Creating a positive image of vocational education.

21 Thank you for your attention!

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