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OpenEdge 10.2B and 11 Status and Plans Wouter Dupré Sr. Solution Consultant June 11, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenEdge 10.2B and 11 Status and Plans Wouter Dupré Sr. Solution Consultant June 11, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenEdge 10.2B and 11 Status and Plans Wouter Dupré Sr. Solution Consultant June 11, 2014

2 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation2 OpenEdge - Last Twelve Months Continued adoption of OE 10 Over 4,000 new customers through our partners Re-positioned OE as a leading SaaS platform Hosted 2 nd Exchange Online 2010 Announced plans for OE 11 Shipped OE 10.2B SaaS deployments yr/yr growth of 20%

3 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation3 OpenEdge Accelerate Growth Build joint plans with our APs and focus on growth strategies Focus on modernization opportunities with direct customers Open new markets with SaaS business model Strengthen the OpenEdge Market Position Differentiate OpenEdge in the market Aggressively expand market awareness Our Goals

4 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation4 Vision OpenEdge will be the leading Application Platform for simplifying responsive business application development and deployment in the Cloud

5 OpenEdge Product Roadmap

6 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. 6 7 Keys to Success Going from 1 to N Multi-tenancy Ensuring that data and applications are accessed only by those who need to know Security & Compliance Being able to easily use the UI technologies that meet the needs of the customer User Interface Flexibility Ensuring the application looks like the tenant and end-user want Personalization Ability to easily integrate to any other application and provide workflow/process integration Integration/Workflow Always available and scales to any size Operational Excellence Provide a highly productive environment focused on OpenEdge and industry best practices Productivity

7 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation7 OpenEdge 10.2 Release Summary 2009 Q1Q2Q3Q4 10.2A UI Flexibility OpenEdge GUI for.NET Operational Excellence OpenEdge Explorer Productivity OpenEdge Architect enhancements More object-oriented extensions Q4 2008 10.2B Security & Compliance Transparent Database Encryption UI Flexibility OpenEdge GUI for.NET usability Operational Excellence Actional for OpenEdge Alternate database buffer pool Productivity OE Architect new user support, and ease of AppServer development JSON support

8 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Deploying To The Cloud Engaging with our customers Amazon EC2 Support -10.2A/10.2B certified -Best practices and getting started guides Cloud Deployment - Future OpenEdge runtime in the cloud Other public cloud platforms Push-button deployment Community of end-user customers Technology Services Business Services Management Services Software Services Getting to the Cloud with Ease Operational Excellence

9 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation9 OpenEdge Takes You There 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Its always been about Business Applications Continuous Evolution through the IT paradigms OpenEdge 11 Eases SaaS/Cloud Computing OpenEdge 10 Enabled SOA V9 Delivered Distributed Computing V8 was Client/Server

10 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation10 D I S C L A I M E R Roadmap Information This roadmap is for informational purposes only, and the reader is hereby cautioned that actual product development can, and often does, vary significantly from roadmaps. This roadmap may not be interpreted as any commitment on behalf of Progress, and future development, timing and release of any features or functionality described in this roadmap remains at our sole discretion. D I S C L A I M E R

11 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation11 IsolatingSharing Better economy of scale Simpler management Target like-customers Least cost to serve Easier customization, security Simpler throttling control Target dissimilar customers No transformation Tenant2Tenant3 App DB Infra. Tenant1 Isolated Tenancy Tenant1Tenant2Tenant3 App DB Infrastructure Shared Tenancy Tenant1Tenant2Tenant3 App DB Infrastructure Infrastructure Tenancy Tenant1Tenant2Tenant3 DB Infrastructure App Application Tenancy Multi-Tenancy: Options Continuum

12 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation12 Multi-Tenant Tables Multi-tenancy built into the database Data physically partitioned by tenant identity Built-in tenant level authentication Minimal application changes – just set a per-database tenant id Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet Tenant 1 partition 1 Thundering Surf 7 Fanatical Athletes 8 Game Set Match Tenant 2 partition 2 Hide Tide Sailing 7 Pedal Power 9 Hoops Croquet Tenant 3 partition Customer Schema

13 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation13 Multi-Tenant Tables: Data Access Keys unique per tenant or unique per table Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy Tenant 1 partition 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet 1 Thundering Surf 7 Fanatical Athletes 8 Game Set Match Tenant 2 partition 2 Hide Tide Sailing 7 Pedal Power 9 Hoops Croquet Tenant 3 partition Customer Schema

14 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation14 Multi-Tenant Tables: Data Access Keys unique per tenant or unique per table Query is tenant specific Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy Tenant 1 partition 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet 1 Thundering Surf 7 Fanatical Athletes 8 Game Set Match Tenant 2 partition 2 Hide Tide Sailing 7 Pedal Power 9 Hoops Croquet Tenant 3 partition Customer Schema Tenant 1 Partition FIND CUSTOMER WHERE CUST_NUM=2. 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet

15 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation15 Multi-Tenant Tables: Data Access Keys unique per tenant or unique per table Query is tenant specific Super tenant query Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet 1 Thundering Surf 7 Fanatical Athletes 8 Game Set Match 2 Hide Tide Sailing 7 Pedal Power 9 Hoops Croquet Customer Schema Super Tenant For each customer: Display cust-num, name

16 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation16 Multi-Tenant Tables: Data Access Keys unique per tenant or unique per table Query is tenant specific Super tenant query Tenant ID virtual column Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy 1 1 Lift Line Skiing 1 2 Urban Frisbee 1 3 Hoops Croquet 2 1 Thundering Surf 2 7 Fanatical Athletes 2 8 Game Set Match 3 2 Hide Tide Sailing 3 7 Pedal Power 3 9 Hoops Croquet Customer Schema Super Tenant For each customer: Display tenantid(customer), cust-num, name.

17 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation17 Multi-Tenant Tables: Tenant Provisioning Tenant creation via DDL & Dictionary Identification (via schema table) Database specific tenant ID User friendly names App specific ID Tenant level activation/deactivation Runtime security by user by tenant Tenancy asserted via client principal Governors: Limit resource usage 1 Lift Line Skiing 2 Urban Frisbee 3 Hoops Croquet Tenant 1 partition 1 Thundering Surf 7 Fanatical Athletes 8 Game Set Match Tenant 2 partition 2 Hide Tide Sailing 7 Pedal Power 9 Hoops Croquet Tenant 3 partition Customer Schema Simplifies Development of Multi-tenant Applications Multi-tenancy

18 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation18 Table Partitioning Types of Table Partitioning Range- the key is within a range of values, e.g. year, territory, invoice amount, etc. List: each partition is assigned a list of values, e.g. male/female, country, etc. Composite- a combination of Range and/or List Phase 1: The Foundation for Multi-Tenancy Initial use case of tables partitioned by tenant ID Focus of OE11.0 Phase 2: Horizontal Data Partitioning (Range/List) Focus of OE11.1 Operational Excellence

19 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation19 Multi-tenancy Operational Features Partition Maintenance Object move Add/drop tenants/objects Backup/restore, recovery Data dump/load Index maintenance tools Monitoring Operational Excellence

20 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation20 Application Tenant A User A1 Login Session A1-1 Tenant B User A2User B1 User B2 Login Session A1-2 Login Session A2-1 Login Session A2-2 Login Session B1-1 Login Session B1-2 Login Session B2-1 Login Session B2-2 Context-Managed AppServer Context Management built into the AppServer Supports multi-tenancy in addition to general use 4 levels: Application, Tenant, User, Session Context automatically switched on a request basis as needed Multi-tenancy Operational Excellence

21 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation21 High Availability Through Online Operations, Robustness, and Improved Diagnostics Operational Excellence High Availability – 24x7 Production Operation Near-100% Online Database Maintenance Improve performance of DB utilities (index rebuilds, table & index moves, migration to Type II storage areas) Avoid application restarts for DB schema changes Server Property Changes in Real Time No need to stop and restart the server Improved Ability to Monitor AppServer Better error diagnostics R-code monitoring

22 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation22 Operational Excellence High Availability – Performance Table Scans Without Overhead of Using an Index If entire table needs to be scanned, using the index adds overhead Auto Update of SQL Database Statistics Optimizer has more current information, leading to increased database performance Dynamic Query Join Optimization for DataServers Maximize operating performance

23 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation23 Built-in authentication and authorization system Ajax tools Microsoft WPF/Silverlight JSON-RPC Latest Web services standards REST Database multiple linguistic sorting Actional – payload, DB interceptor Manage remote jobs OpenEdge Architect Object-oriented extensions- remote objects, reflection Operational Excellence Productivity Personalization Integration User Interface Flexibility Security & Compliance Taking You Higher With OpenEdge 11

24 Progress Arcade

25 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation25 Goals: Accelerate SaaS partner business: facilitate deployment in the Cloud App modernization: help customers utilize OpenEdge product features Demonstrate the synergy of OpenEdge, RPM, and the Cloud Progress Arcade: a collection of shops offering Cloud-oriented capabilities to the OpenEdge Application Partners and Direct End Users Available in Popular Cloud Environments Initial target is Amazon EC2 Evaluating tools (e.g. RightScale) to be more Cloud agnostic, including Private Clouds that Directs may be running in Phase 1: CY10 Focus on SaaS app deployment Educate customers on features of OpenEdge, Sonic, and RPM OpenEdge Cloud Strategy: Progress Arcade An arched or covered passageway, usually with shops on each side An Extensible Environment of Shops, Supporting Customer- Oriented Cloud-Based Activities

26 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation26

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