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The Media and Politics.

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1 The Media and Politics




5 Media Outlets Fragmenting
Impacts Explosion of media options weakens traditional sources (newspapers/networks) Blogs & Cable news outlets cater to certain views Ideological polarization

6 Media Conglomerates Form
Concentration of media ownership has grown in the past 30 years One Cause: FCC cross-ownership rules were reduced in the Telecommunications Act of 1996

7 The Checkers Speech In 1952, after he was named as Dwight D. Eisenhower's running mate, Nixon was accused of taking inappropriate gifts from campaign contributors.  In a effort to save his candidacy, he staged a national broadcast to defend himself.  He countered his critics, first by listing all of his personal assets in great detail, and then by declaring that he would not force his children to give up Checkers, a dog that had been shipped to him by one of his supporters.

8 Nixon-Kennedy 1960

9 Impact of Television TV = top news source
Direct access to public possible (Checkers) Campaigning more candidate-centered (TV ads, debates = image & personal focus)

10 How Politicians Use the Media
Media Events: photo opportunities staged for press coverage --controlling the visual is critical

11 Mission: Media Event

12 Media Events Can Fail Turkey Pardon Fiasco

13 Media Events Can Backfire (Pt. 2)

14 How Politicians Use the Media
Message Control Use spin (positive interpretation) to shape coverage Staying “on message” (talking points) Preparing sound bites

15 1992

16 Problem: People tuning out regular news
The response. . . Appear on entertainment shows (ex: Daily Show) or even on-line skits →

17 Government Regulation of the Electronic Media
TV networks/radio are “public airwaves” regulated by and leased to companies by the FCC Print media and cable programing are not.

18 Public Opinion & Vietnam: The Living Room War

19 Vietnam Gulf War (1991) Iraq War (2003)
Virtually no limitations on reporters Public support drops Vietnam Strict limits on press movement, military escorts “pool coverage” Gulf War (1991) Journalists embedded with units Perspective issues? Iraq War (2003)

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