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Agenda – 8/20 Share about our weekends!

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda – 8/20 Share about our weekends!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda – 8/20 Share about our weekends!
Take out your thesis statements and turn them in on the front table Begin rise of civilization lecture HW: keep reading through the book! Reminder: no phones starts right now. If I see your phone out from bell to bell, I will take it to the Dean and you will get it back at the end of the day. Citizenship points start this week – possible 10/10 every Friday

2 Diamond’s ultimate conclusion:



5 Thesis statement practice:
Which of the five proximate factors do YOU think contributed the most to Eurasia’s dominance of world history? However you choose to write your thesis statement, it needs to be analytical (tell me why) Aka, you need to say “because” or “due to” Due MONDAY

Are we civilized? What does that mean?

7 Warm up Draw a picture of a civilized person. Be specific!
(Stick figures are OK!) What’d you draw? Share with a partner. Then, with the class. Draw on the board. Why did you include that? Label the things you draw on your civilized human. Be ready to explain why you drew those!

8 Originally, humans lived just with their closest family members.
RISE OF TRIBES Originally, humans lived just with their closest family members. Eventually, humans started banding together Why would they do that? Take two minutes to observe the picture on the next slide. Jot down evidence from the picture that gives you insight into their lives. Are they civilized? Why or why not?

9 What do you notice? Write down a list of evidence that shows how this society lived (act out what it would be like). Paleolithic era = nomads. Like Katniss before the hunger games – all she cared about was going out and providing food for her family. Are they civilized? PALEOLITHIC ERA

10 Write down a list of all you notice
Write down a list of all you notice. What happens when humans no longer have to hunt and gather? Neolithic era = rise of sedentary societies due to agriculture. Like Katniss after the hunger games = she wins and has all of this money and free time and has no idea what to do with her time. . Are they civilized? NEOLITHIC ERA

11 Neolithic Revolution Paleolithic Era Neolithic Era (“Old Stone” Era)
until 8,000 BCE Nomads Hunting- gathering Neolithic Era (“New Stone” Era) 8,000 BCE – 3,000 BCE Settlements Farming Gradual rise of civilization NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION = ADVENT OF AGRICULTURE

12 Neolithic Revolution (8,000-3,000 BCE) The invention of farming
(a.k.a. the most important technological advancement in all of human history. Seriously.)

13 And, it happened independently around the world around the same time
“independent invention” 4/29/2019 ADD A FOOTER

14 Effects of Farming Intensive agriculture caused human population to jump from 5-8 million to 60 to 70 million in 5,000 years

15 Y’all. The Neolithic revolution led to the rise of civilization. Why?
Soon, small tribes became larger villages, and, eventually, “civilizations.”

16 Along with the Neolithic revolution came societies – early society - how can we tell that this society was civilized?

17 Paleolithic  Neolithic Game
Follow your men/women roles You need 10 food points per person to survive the week If you don’t have that, someone ties! Your leftover food points roll over to the next round At the end of the round, everyone needs to roll again A 5 or 6 is fire! Only one person needs to roll. If no one does, you lose 10 food points

18 Paleolithic  Neolithic Game
New scoring system! You need 10 food points per person to survive the week If you don’t have that, someone ties! Your leftover food points roll over to the next round When you acquire 100 food points of SURPLUS, one person can stop farming – but they need to make a case as to why, and the group gets to vote yes/no

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