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Presented By Samuel Muriithi HEAD OF ECONOMICS AND PLANNING:

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By Samuel Muriithi HEAD OF ECONOMICS AND PLANNING:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The role and contributions of mountain Forests and related ecosystem services to Kenya economy

2 Presentation structure
Background of preparation of Forest Resource account in Kenya Results of Preliminary FRA Results of the study on role and contribution of mountain forests and related ecosystem services to the economy Policy recommendations Way forward 2

3 Forest Resources in Kenya
Natural Forests ,190,000 Ha Mangroves ,000Ha Industrial Plantations ,000Ha Private Forest Plantations ,000Ha Woodlands ,050,000Ha Bushlands ,510,000Ha Farmlands with trees ,385,000Ha

4 Forest resources in kenya
Drylands Forest Plantations Farm Forests Natural Forests

5 The problem. The contribution of Forests to the economy is under-reported in the national statistics because of omission of the following information The value addition to forest products through manufacturing. The provision of wood and non-wood forest products to subsistence economy The supply of ecosystem services

6 Preparation of forest resource account.
In 2009 Kenya Forest Service formed a Forest mainstreaming Initiative. Partners involved include: The Kenya Forest Service; Kenya Bureau of Statistics; Ministries of Water, Energy, Agriculture, Livestock. DRSRS, KEFRI, KIPPRA, etc. Miti Mingi Maisha Bora (Finland); FAO, UNEP

7 Kenya Forest Resource account
The objective of FMI is to prepare Kenya Forest Resource Account(FRA) To enhance understanding of the role forests in economic development of Kenya. The FRA captures full value of the forestry sector and provide evidence on whether the forest resource is utilised sustainably The FRA present the tread of forest assets (area, volume),monetary value and contribution to the economy over time

8 Forest resource account
Area (Ha) Volume (m3) Value (KSH) Opening stock Additions Revisions Growth Regeneration Afforestation Reductions Production Deforestation Degradation Net Change Closing stock

9 Results from the preliminary forest resource account.
Forests contribute 3.5 of the GDP which more than what is reported in the national statistics The preliminary FRA did not include the contribution of the forest ecosystem services to the economy. There was need to carryout a study to quantify the contribution of ecosystem services to the economy


11 THE FIVE water towers

12 Kenya’s water towers and their ecosystem services in the
Regulating services of five water towers Economic sectors that benefit indirectry Local climate regulation Agriculture Water regulation Forestry Erosion regulation Fishing Water purification and waste treatment Electricity Natural hazard regulation Water services Disease regulation Public adiministration Tourism Households

13 Key findings THE STUDY OF THE ROLE AND CONTRIBUTION OF MOUNTAIN FORESTS AND RELATED ECOSYSTEM SERVICES TO THE KENYA ECONOMY Deforestation in the water tower in was 28,427 HA at an average rate of 2,762 ha per year

14 the effect of deforestation on irrigation
Deforestation at a rate of 2,762 ha per year between 2000 and 2010 reduced the available water by 62 million m3 per year by 2010 Resulted to foregone opportunity to cultivate 5,287 ha of irrigation agriculture Irrigation sector loss in 2010 is estimated at KSH billion

15 The effects of deforestation on inland fisheries
Deforestation in the upper catchment of Lake Victoria has led to high nutrient loads in the lake. Using bio-economic model, this report estimate the effect of deforestation on inland fish catch. Fish catch was reduced by 690 tons or Ksh 86 million in 2010

16 the effect of deforestation on irrigation
Deforestation at a rate of 2,762 Ha between reduced Water by 62 million cubic meters by 2010.Thus lost opportunity to Cultivate 5,287 Ha of irrigation agriculture. This translate to loss Ksh 1,499 million of agricultural output

17 The effects of deforestation on inland fisheries
As a result of elevated levels of sediments attributed to deforestation, fish catch was reduced by 690 tons or Ksh 86 million

18 Effects of deforestation on hydropower generation
Kenya generated 6,976 million of which 46% was hydro-power. Reduction of electricity attributed to reduction in water yield was estimated at KSH 8 million

19 The effects of deforestation on water services.
The cost of water treatment by Government water schemes increased because of pollution due to deforestation. This increased the cost of water treatment by Ksh 192 million or 0.55% in 2010

Deforestation in water towers during produced cumulative sediment load of 1.99 billion tons. Assuming all sediments were deposited in reservoirs and dams loss of water storage capacity exceeded 1 million m3

21 Effect of deforestation on carbon sequestration
Montane forests acts as carbon storage were storage varies from tons per Ha. At carbon value of US$ 6/ton and assuming an average storage value of 205 ton per Ha, this implies potential carbon value lost to deforestation in 2010 was Ksh 511 million.

22 Effects of deforestation on public health
Deforestation can change micro climate of an area resulting in an increase in vector- borne diseases. Deforestation resulted in small increase in temperature and change in vector capacity of mosquitoes, increasing risk of contacting malaria in areas previously malaria free or low risk. Incidence of malaria due to deforestation is estimated to have cost Ksh 237 million in health costs to the Government and losses in labour productivity.

23 findings cont. The one-off benefit of deforestation through timber and fuelwood sales is Ksh 272,000/ha The total effects of regulating services lost is estimated to be a loss of Ksh 763,283/ha The loss outweighed benefits from logging by 2.8 times. The cost of effects of deforestation is experienced in the subsequent years In 2010, the cumulative negative effects of deforestation to the economy through reduction in regulating services was billion/year

24 Sediment yields from Nyando basin
Source: ICRAF

25 Policy recommendations
Incorporate the economics around forest management Put in place a fully functioning forest resource account Stronger regulation of forest use Encouraging investment in the forestry sector Address the growing trend of dependence on imports of forest products

26 Policy recommendations
Regeneration after harvest and an increased forest plantation growth in the long term Better coordination of regulating institutions, producers and consumers of forest products Mainstreaming the use of economic instruments and incentives such as payment for ecosystem services, trading and insurance schemes

27 Way forward In December 2012, Kenya will be fitted with its FRA at K.N.B.S. The FRA captures full value of the forestry sector and provide evidence on sustainable use of forest resources


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