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Inventing the Future Vocabulary Lesson 19.

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1 Inventing the Future Vocabulary Lesson 19

2 Irrepressible A feeling or action that cannot be controlled or held back. The scientist’s irrepressible desire to explore nature led to his discovering a new species.

3 Feat A difficult act that impresses People
Climbing the highest mountain in the world is a feat not many people in the world can claim.

4 Industry All the people and companies that make a certain type of product of provide a certain type of service The automobile industry puts on shows Every year to introduce the new models.

5 Something in a certain way.
Tendency To have a habit of doing Something in a certain way. Because Aaron has a tendency to wait until the last minute to do his tasks, he often turns his work in late.

6 An object that has been made
Device An object that has been made For a special purpose. Tony’s aunt wears a hearing aid, a device that helps people with hearing loss.

7 Prestigious Something that is highly Respected and admired.
The principal of a school has a prestigious job.

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