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Curriculum Development

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1 Curriculum Development
Chapter 19 Desiree Glover & Rodriguez Johnson

2 Curriculum Development – Chap.19
Teachers can implement curriculum successfully, if they’re involved. Imposing curriculum from outside is useless. Teacher Autonomy: Teachers can adapt the curriculum to their classroom and school situation.

3 What can the supervisor do to facilitate implementation of the curriculum?
1. Sources of Development State and federal experts Commercial writers Teachers to district-level personnel 2. Purpose of the Curriculum Orientations: Transmission Transaction Transformation 3. Having a range in content emphasis Lower, middle, or higher levels (Blooms)

4 4. Curriculum Organization
Discipline based Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary 5. Curriculum Format Behavorial objective Webbing Results-only format 6. Teacher Involvement Imitative maintenance Mediative Creative-generative

5 Supervisor Teacher Collaboration
Curriculum purpose Content Organization Format 1)Most appropriate for the students. 2)Addresses student diversity 3)Increases teachers’ choice and commitment to curriculum implementation.

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