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Page Design Scroll zone Data Tables Screen Readers

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1 Page Design Scroll zone Data Tables Screen Readers
The area beyond the initial visible screen It is important to keep important links, logos and content above the scroll zone. You never know how big your visitors monitor is and you want your vital information to be presented. Data Tables Organizes text or numbers on a given topic(s). These are great tools when comparing and contrasting information, like your favorite sport teams stats, price of tickets, etc. Fixed Width Table- is absolute and will not resize if the browser window resizes. Defined in pixels You have more control of what the visitor sees Disadvantage is that it does not resize to different monitor’s resolutions Relative Width Table- is flexable and resizes as the browser window resizes. It is defined as a percentage of the browser window You have less control of how the table is displayed It resizes to fix all browsers and keeps it a specific percentage of the browser window Screen Readers Read web pages to the visually impaired users Problem with tables is that the reader reads vertically and will misread the information to the visitor. This can be confusing to someone looking for information.

2 Links and their various forms
Text links Are text on a page that has been created into a hyperlink. This allows the visitor to maneuver to new pages and different parts of the page. These links clearly identify their target ( the page where the link leads to) Be sure to use text that clearly identify where the link is going to. If you are going to Origins, it may be good to label that link Origins of Story Rollover link These links are hidden within the text and may only be identified with in the text by a change of color or underlined The Problem with these links is that often times your visitor many not click on it, due to it being ambitious where it leads Use these with caution.

3 Links and their various forms cont.
Image Links Assigns a link to an image Image maps- is an image (usually of a map) that has hotspots that allows the visitor to click on a particular hotspot. These are connected to links.

4 Menus, Bars and Tabs Navigation menu- is a menu with a list of related links (pages) Pop out menus are displayed vertically ( like our school webpage) Navigation bar- uses graphic buttons to present links. Drop down menus- must be clicked on to show menu and shows up in menu bar. Navigation tabs- presents links in the form of tabs at top/bottom of page (like my website) *Page 119 in your book shows these really well

5 Breadcrumb Trail- is a horizontal list at the top of the page that shows a visitor the path he/she has taken from the homepage to the page being viewed. Each part of the trail is a link and allows the visitor to click these links to access say the homepage This should only be used with other navigation systems, because alone it can be very confusing. Site Map Has a site Index that lists a summary of links to major pages within the site. ( Ebay and Amazon has one) Should only be used if you have a site that has a lot of different pages

6 Images Text to images Scanners
Using Photoshop, you can add text to your images. The text is entered into a bounding box (like text box in word) You can choose, font, color and shape of box to add interest Images text should also be conveyed in your body text, so that screen readers may be able to interpreted the information Scanners If need be, you can scan an image in if you do not already have a digital copy Keep in mind: scan image in at the size you want it on your webpage. If you want to edit it, scan it a little bigger to make it easier to resize and manipulate Scan illustrations at 256 colors or higher color settings Save images as Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)- used to save files from scanning and storage. This allows you to access the file and to edit it, but remember that you must save it once finished into a different format to make it easier to upload onto webpage.

7 Today’s Lab Your Turn in book on Page 138
Visit our site and click on the links under chapter 5 to review the homepage and at least 3 other underlying pages at each site NASA Kids’ Club NOAA Ocean Explorer AICPA Lane Home Furnishings Review how the sites use images. Do the images add value? Do they match or complement the color scheme? If site maps are used, do the images represent their links’ target pages? Do the images contribute to the overall mood of the site and promote the sites’ message? How does knowing this information help you in choosing and editing your images for your sites? Write a report answering these questions. Include screen shots of what specifically you are talking about. Compare the pages using the questions above.

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