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All energy on Earth comes from the Sun. So how do we get that energy?

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Presentation on theme: "All energy on Earth comes from the Sun. So how do we get that energy?"— Presentation transcript:


2 All energy on Earth comes from the Sun. So how do we get that energy?

3 Ways of Getting Energy Producers Consumers Also called autotrophs
Get energy from nonliving sources Most capture energy during photosynthesis to make simple sugars Ex. Plants, algae, some bacteria Consumers Also called heterotrophs Get energy from living or once-living organisms Ex. Animals, fungus, people

4 How Producers Get Their Energy
Photosynthesis Chemosynthesis Source of energy: -Chemicals -Sulfur-rich salt marsh Source of energy: -Sunlight Use non-living sources for energy Examples: -Green plants -Cyanobacteria Examples: -Deep sea vent bacteria

5 How Consumers Get Their Energy
Consumers eat other organisms to get energy. They breakdown the macromolecules inside of the organisms to release ATP in a process called cellular respiration. 4 Types of Consumers: Herbivores Eat only vegetation Carnivores Eat only meat Omnivores Eat meat and vegetation Detrivores (decomposers) Eat dead materials Red panda eating bamboo

6 Let’s watch energy flow in action!
See how many producers and consumers you can identify!

7 Food Chains Food chains trace a single flow of energy and show trophic levels = the levels of nourishment in a food chain.

8 Rule of 10 As energy flows from organism to organism, it is used for metabolism and/or converted to heat. Because of this, the next organism on the chain only receives 10 PERCENT of the energy obtained in the previous level. The other 90% is used or “lost” as heat

9 Can you classify each type of consumer?
Trophic Levels (4) Tertiary Consumers Energy Flow  (3) Secondary Consumers (2) Primary Consumers (1) Producers Can you classify each type of consumer?

10 Food Webs Shows multiple food chains at once, and how they interconnect.

11 Trophic Pyramids = models that show how energy flows through an ecosystem
Energy Pyramid: represents the energy available at each trophic level; levels ALWAYS get smaller as you go up the pyramid (Remember the Rule of 10!) Numbers Pyramid: represents the number of organisms at each trophic level; since energy decreases as you go up the pyramid, fewer organisms can be supported Biomass Pyramid: represents the total mass of living organic matter at each trophic level

12 Trophic Pyramid Example
4 Tertiary consumer .1% 3 1% Secondary consumer 2 10% Primary consumer 1 100% producer Label trophic level numbers. Label trophic level names. Label percentage of energy available.

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