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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life

2 What factors determine if something is living?
Essential Question What factors determine if something is living?

3 What do all Living Organisms have in Common?
There are 6 characteristics which all living things have in common. List as many as you can think of without any assistance. All living things: Have Cells Use Energy Sense and Respond to change Reproduce Have DNA Grow and Develop

4 Have Cells Unicellular = One celled organisms

5 Have Cells Multicellular = many celled organisms

6 Use Energy To move, think, grow, live, reproduce, etc.

7 Respond To Stimuli

8 Reproduce Asexual Reproduction: type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism. Offspring are identical to parent. Sexual Reproduction: The production of a new living organism by two parent organisms, with each parent contributing half the DNA of the offspring. Offspring are similar to parents yet unique.

9 Grow and Develop Growing / Developing: Process of natural development which living organisms undergo by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity.

10 Have DNA DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid): The “blueprints of life” found in the nucleus of every cell to ensure proper replication. Sugar

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