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2 The Scramble for Africa (_ _) was a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by ___European___ powers. Economic, ___political__ and _social____ factors motivated this push for land.

3 A. Economic During the 19th century the western _slave trade was gradually abolished. The end to European trading in slaves left a need for _commerce_ between Europe and Africa. ‘Legitimate’ trade was encouraged. Explorers located vast reserves of _raw materials_, plotted _trade routes____, navigated _rivers_, and located population centers which could be a _market_ for _manufactured goods_ from Europe. The region’s work force was dedicated to producing rubber, _coffee_, palm oil, _sugar_, timber, etc. for Europe.

4 B. Political European countries were, at this time, experiencing _power struggles_ and competition for _dominance_. One way to demonstrate their dominance was through the acquisition of _territories___ around the world, including Africa. European explorers no longer traveled out of pure _curiosity_, they now traveled looking for markets, _goods_, and _resources_ for the wealthy Europeans who financed _their trips_.

5 The rivalry among European powers for possession of African _territory_ became so intense that the _Berlin Conference_ ( ) was called to settle the claims. The _Berlin Act_, drawn up without _African _ participation, divided the continent into European spheres of _influence_. The European countries most involved in colonization were: Belgium, _France_, Britain, Germany, _Italy_, Portugal and _Spain_.

6 C. Social: As a result of _industrialization_, major social problems grew in Europe: unemployment, _poverty_, homelessness, social displacement from _rural_ areas, and so on. These social problems developed partly because not all people could be absorbed by the new capitalist _industries_. One way to solve this problem was to acquire _colonies_ and export this “surplus population.”


8 A. Name Changes After the end of colonization, many African _leaders_ sought to reclaim Africa through the rejection of European _titles_ and _names by replacing them with traditional African ones.

9 B. High Rates of Illiteracy
Most Africans who had access to or could _afford_ to attend classes were restricted to learning _reading_ and _writing_ colonial languages from missionary schools, which focused on converting Africans to _Christianity_. Those who resisted conversion were often denied an _education_. Other adults had little _time_ or _money_ to devote to learning reading and writing in _European languages_.

10 C. Political Vacuum During the 20th century many Africans began to revolt against _colonization_. A number of these revolts were successful and African countries began finding _independence_. Within a few years after independence, most African governments had fallen to _coups_ and been replaced by _dictatorships_ or _military rule_. When the Europeans abandoned colonial _control_, they left behind nations with _borders_ unrelated to local _ethnic populations_. As a result, many African countries were torn by devastating _civil wars_ in the decades to follow.

11 D. Racism: Once European powers vacated leadership roles and _Africans_ took over, many _racists_ policies and discriminatory practices based on _skin color_ and meant to disadvantage _native peoples_ were no longer an issue. Although race was no longer the discriminating factor, _tribe_, clan, _ethnicity_ and _religion_ often were. These factors still present problems in modern Africa.


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