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When I’m Right You’re Wrong: Attitude Correctness Facilitates Intergroup Anger and Negative Perceptions of Opposing Others.

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Presentation on theme: "When I’m Right You’re Wrong: Attitude Correctness Facilitates Intergroup Anger and Negative Perceptions of Opposing Others."— Presentation transcript:

1 When I’m Right You’re Wrong: Attitude Correctness Facilitates Intergroup Anger and Negative Perceptions of Opposing Others

2 Purpose The purpose of this research is to examine factors that contribute to intergroup conflict.

3 Background Attitude certainty Attitude clarity Attitude correctness
Attitude correctness and conflict (Rios, DeMarree, & Statzer, 2014). Attitude correctness and persuasion (Cheatham & Tormala, 2015). Intergroup conflict and emotions (Mackie & Devos, 2000). Intergroup conflict and perception (Fiske & Cuddy, 2002)

4 Hypotheses We predict that
Increasing attitude correctness will cause more intergroup anger and intentions to approach the outgroup. Perceptions of lower outgroup competence. And, perceptions of lower outgroup warmth.

5 Method Independent Variable: Attitude clarity and attitude correctness
Then we will show participants an online-profile of an out-group member. Dependent Variable: The participants perception of the opposing person by describing their warmth and competence, their willingness to confront them, and their emotions.

6 Expected Results, What we learned, and Practical Importance
Expected Results: We expect high attitude correctness to increase intergroup anger and intentions to approach the outgroup View outgroups as low in competence and warmth. What will we learn: We will learn that attitude correctness is one of the factors that lead to intergroup conflict. Practical Importance: If we can understand what causes intergroup conflict then we can design interventions to reduce it.

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