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Hung, K. -L. and Chang, C. -C. , IEE Image and Signal Processing, vol

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Presentation on theme: "Hung, K. -L. and Chang, C. -C. , IEE Image and Signal Processing, vol"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Irregular Sampling Coding Method for Transmitting Images Progressively
Hung, K.-L. and Chang, C.-C., IEE Image and Signal Processing, vol.150, no.1, Feb 2003, pp Advisor :Chang, Chin-Chen Reporter: Lee, Jiau-Yun Date :2003/5/6

2 Outline Introduction Previous Works Proposed Method
Experimental Result Conclusions

3 Introduction PIT(Progressive Image Transmission) techniques are used to send an image through many stages. The receiver is given only a few bits to achieve a rough. Image quality is refined gradually.

4 SMM(Side Match Method)
Coded by VQ Sender: Receiver 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 11 15 8 2 6 12 13 9 3 7 16 14 10 4 (sub-image:3*3 ) R(K)=0.056 8/(4*4*3*3) Transmission order

5 FRM(Fast Reconstruction Method)
Sender Receiver CST Central Sampling Technique 2 6 5 7 1 8 4 9 3 1 <Pixel copy> 2 1 PCT Pixels Copy Technique 12 23 4 45 42 19 27 21 34 26 35

6 TSVQ(Tree-structure Vector Quantization)
Sender Receiver phase1 :2 phase2 : 5 phase3 : 11 phase4 : 22 Original image code table 0101 0011 0111 1101 1001 1011 0110 .. 1111

7 TSVQ(cont.) <step1> 1 .. <step2> 01 00 11 10 ..

8 SMTSVQ(Side-Match reconstruction method using TSVQ)
An improvement of TSVQ Assume the depth of the codebook tree is n. We have n phases in the whole process. It can brake the process into two parts: Phase 1 to phase n/2 Phase ((n/2)+1) to phase n

9 SMTSVQ(cont.) Phase one: Phase two: With TSVQ and side match
01?? ???? 00?? 11?? 0101 ???? 0011 0111 1101 0110 With TSVQ 0101 01?? 0011 10?? 0111 1101 11?? 0110 0101 0011 0110 1000 0111 1101 1110 1100 1001

10 Proposed Method To evaluate an m*m mask. (centered in(i,j))
To divide different grids

11 Proposed Method(cont.)
Original image Using the irregular sampling algorithm(n=3)

12 Selective Segmenting Step1:The samples are divided into several segments. Step2:The number of transmission phase is s(the power of 2) s= s= s=8 2 1 3 1 2 4 5 1 6 2 3 7 4 8

13 Selective Segmenting(cont.)
Step3:the original image is divided into non-overlapped 4*4 blocks. Step4:we defined sample segments to transform. These pixel segment as

14 Selective Segmenting(cont.)
Block of originalImage 5 1 6 2 3 7 4 8 Sender: phase1: 1 pixel phase2: 2 pixels phase3: 0 pixel phase4: 1 pixel phase5: 1 pixel …… blocks of sampledimage

15 The Further Encoding Technique
Pixel value Huffman coding quantisation DPCM Sample segments output Position info. arithmetic coding

16 Experimental Result---Bit rates

17 Image Quality

18 Conclusions By our experimental results,the image quality is better than FRM,TSVQ and SMTSVQ. the higher bit rate requirement will be reduced by increasing the number of transmission phases.

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