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Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Session 3: Messaging Doug Gowans – Consultant Daniel Kenyon-Smith – Consultant MCS Talks Infrastructure Architecture Seminar Name

2 Live Meeting Information...
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Live Meeting Information... Feedback Panel Questions & Answers Blog - Seminar Name

3 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Session 3: Messaging Doug Gowans – Consultant Daniel Kenyon-Smith – Consultant MCS Talks Infrastructure Architecture Seminar Name

4 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Session Agenda Project Methodology Contoso Network Infrastructure Contoso Messaging Environment Business Drivers Proposed Infrastructure Mailbox Routing Remote Users Client Access Summary Q & A Seminar Name

5 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Project Methodology Envision Planning Developing Stabilizing Deploying Seminar Name

6 Contoso Network Infrastructure
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Contoso Network Infrastructure London LAN Glasgow LAN 100MB 1GB Ireland 1000 Users Development 1MB to 8MB ADSL Manchester 25,000 Users Call Centre Glasgow 25,000 Users Manufacturing London 6,000 Users Head Office 10MB Remote VPN Users 3,000 Manchester LAN 1MB 2MB 1GB 1MB York 100 Users India 1500 Users Development Bristol Fail Over Data Centre Manchester Data Centre 10MB Newcastle 350 Users 10MB 1MB 1MB 512KB 512KB 1MB 1MB Edinburgh 400 Users Birmingham 750 Users New York 30 Users Tokyo 10 Users Paris 20 Users Exeter 500 Users Oxford 250 Users Reading 350 Users Seminar Name

7 Contoso Messaging Environment
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Contoso Messaging Environment London 6,000 Users Head Office London LAN Bristol Fail Over Data Centre Manchester LAN Glasgow LAN Glasgow 25,000 Users Manufacturing 1GB 100MB Manchester 25,000 Users Call Centre Glasgow RG Manchester RG London RG Shared Storage Shared Storage Shared Storage Shared Storage 10MB Birmingham 750 Users Seminar Name

8 E2K3 Environment – Key Points
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 E2K3 Environment – Key Points Platform based on Exchange 2003 and Windows 2003 Relatively complex routing topology based on Exchange 2003 Routing Group configuration Back-End Servers in A\A\A\P cluster configuration (Standalone servers in Birmingham) Multiple Message Bridgehead & FE servers deployed Synchronous SAN Replication between Manchester & Bristol DR Data Centre No site resilience for Manchester, Birmingham or London Tape infrastructure in every datacentre Seminar Name

9 Contoso Business Drivers
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Contoso Business Drivers Reduce the cost of operating the messaging platform Standardise levels of availability and resilience to site and component failure across Contoso Reduce operational overhead by standardising technology across the platform where possible Meet recently introduced Service Level Agreements Functional requirements of the service should be functionally equivalent to the current platform Create a consistent platform on which to progress the adoption of ancillary services such as Mobile device access & 3rd party archive solutions Seminar Name

10 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Mailbox London 6,000 Users Head Office London LAN Bristol Fail Over Data Centre Manchester LAN Glasgow LAN Glasgow 25,000 Users Manufacturing 1GB 100MB CCR Cluster SCR Target London CCR Clusters SCR Target Glasgow SCR Target Manchester CCR Clusters Manchester 25,000 Users Call Centre Birmingham 750 Users Seminar Name

11 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Mailbox– Key Points CCR within each datacentre – MNS 2 node clusters SCR targets in DR datacentres Reliance on expensive storage solutions eliminated – deploy DAS and reduce costs DAS means that more of the infrastructure is brought into the messaging support teams Backup via DPM which reduces the reliance on a large tape infrastructure Seminar Name

12 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Routing London LAN Manchester 25,000 Users Call Centre Glasgow LAN HT 1GB London 6,000 Users Head Office 100MB Glasgow 25,000 Users Manufacturing HT ADSite2 Manchester LAN Manchester Data Centre ADSite1 Seminar Name

13 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Routing – Key Points Routing now based upon AD site topology and therefore less complex to manage Use SubmissionServerOverrideList to control routing in Manchester & Glasgow datacentres (members of the same AD site) Seminar Name

14 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Remote Users Bristol Fail Over Data Centre Manchester LAN 25,000 Users Call Centre Glasgow LAN Glasgow Manufacturing 1GB 10MB Birmingham 750 Users Seminar Name

15 Remote Users – Key Points
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Remote Users – Key Points Bringing mailboxes into central datacentres enables service to meet agreed SLA’s Birmingham users brought into central datacentre providing latency and bandwidth requirements can be met Reduction in costs of providing infrastructure in Birmingham Seminar Name

16 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Client Access London LAN Manchester 25,000 Users Call Centre Glasgow LAN HT 1GB London 6,000 Users Head Office 100MB Glasgow 25,000 Users Manufacturing HT ADSite2 Manchester LAN Manchester Data Centre ADSite1 Seminar Name

17 Client Access – Key Points
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Client Access – Key Points If Contoso want a unified namespace for OWA then CAS servers in Manchester will proxy requests to London Otherwise use separate namespaces in Manchester and London Seminar Name

18 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Backup Solution Current Backup Solution Using traditional streaming backups – nightly full backups Proposed Backup Solution VSS backups – nightly changes plus 15 minute incremental transaction log syncs Plus tapes for longer term archival Seminar Name

19 Windows 2008 Operating System benefits
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Windows 2008 Operating System benefits Faster log Shipping Support for multi-subnet failover cluster Improvements for Client Access Servers (CAS) Reduced downtime for hardware maintenance Near-Zero downtime for NTFS corruption Easier deployment Support for IPv6 Seminar Name

20 Hardware Virtualisation
Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006 Hardware Virtualisation Generally not recommended for any Exchange role Verify support stance for your chosen solution Ensure that virtualisation does not introduce additional layers of complexity in management and recoverability Seminar Name

21 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Considerations People Process Technology Seminar Name

22 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Summary Reduction in the cost of operating the messaging platform Cheaper Storage – DAS plus on storage replication No infrastructure in Birmingham Support costs reduced as less complex to operate Less reliance on expensive tape infrastructure Standardise levels of availability and resilience to site and component failure across Contoso CCR plus SCR is strategy for mailbox role resilience N+1 for CAS and Hub Transport role servers The same infrastructure across Contoso Reduce operational overhead by standardising technology across the platform where possible Seminar Name

23 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Summary Continued Functional requirements are that the service should be functionally equivalent to the current platform Create a consistent platform on which to progress the adoption of ancillary services such as Mobile device access & 3rd party archive solutions Reduce operational overhead by standardising technology across the platform where possible Messaging platform have more control over a standard platform – DAS, DPM, CCR\SCR across Contoso Meet recently improved Service Level Agreements SLA’s concerning resumption of service given component & datacentre failures can now be met MNS clusters, CCR, SCR, N+1 Seminar Name

24 Microsoft TechNet Seminar 2006
Thank you for attending this TechNet Event Find these slides at: Visit our blog at: Doug Gowans Blog Daniel Kenyon-Smiths Blog Register for the next session, Messaging, at: Please fill out your evaluations! Seminar Name

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