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Welcome to Troy Tech Registration

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1 Welcome to Troy Tech Registration
Click Black Box for Troy Tech 30th Video or this link These forms can be completed while you are waiting for the session to begin: Student Information Sheet McKinney-Vento Residency Questionnaire Permanent Cumulative Folder Request Form Sign the Ivory Troy Tech Program Requirements Green Summer School Online Health Course - back side Emergency Info

2 Troy Tech & Pre-International Baccalaureate
All handouts and this slide show can be found online at Congratulations/Welcome/Introductions Approximately 900 students tested from almost 150 different Junior High Schools Troy Tech is a four-year magnet program Unique program to Troy High School AP Computer Science Principles (Entry course) 6 Pathways Senior Internship Universities love Troy Tech grads!!! Ivy Leagues, UC’s, Academies, etc.

3 Pre-International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate (IB) 2-year rigorous program beginning in the junior year Students will be considered during their sophomore year based on Freshman and Sophomore academic performance Qualification for IB is based on Reaching AP English and Algebra 2 levels by 10th grade Participating in a World Language starting in 9th grade Students can complete BOTH Troy Tech and Full IB - about 10% of each grade level chooses this.

4 Testing and Placement January placement testing Two math sections
Three English sections Decades of data setting students up for success. For example, 95% of Troy’s ninth grade students are passing their math class based on 1st semester grades school year - this pass rate exceeds all other district schools! Goal: Meet students at their current level and enhance their skills to be successful in rigorous honors courses (AP/IB/H).

5 English Pathways English Department Curricular Pathways 9 10 11 12 IB
College Prep English 1 CP Eng. 2 - Honors Eng. 1 Troy Tech English I AP Literature Eng. 3 AP Language and Composition IB English Standard Level Troy Tech/Honors 12 ERWC AP Language English 2 CP Required in 10th for IB Full Diploma English 3 CP

6 Math Pathways Mathematics Department Curricular Pathways 9 10 11 12
Algebra 2 Pathway Algebra 1 Pathway Algebra 1 - Pre-Calculus Algebra 2 Algebra 2 (H) Geometry (H) Pre-Calculus (H) Geometry Pathway 12 AP Calculus AB AP Statistics or Math Analysis H AP Calculus BC Geometry Algebra 2 Algebra 2 (H) Summer Geometry (Pending) Algebra 2 Pre-Calculus Pre-Calculus (H) AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics Math Analysis H Pre-Calculus AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics Math Analysis H Calculus 2 (Math 250A/250B) AP Calculus BC

7 Fullerton School District students
You will be given a mathematics placement test at your junior high in early April. This test will affirm the recommended placement that appears on your registration card today.

8 Permits Open enrollment or Troy attendance area – no permit needed
All handouts and this slide show can be found online at Open enrollment or Troy attendance area – no permit needed District enrollment – go to your district home school to request intra-district form to start process Out of District enrollment – inter-district transfer based on unique Troy Tech Magnet program Ed Code 46600 Reason for transfer: Troy Tech Magnet Program Allen Bill 48204(b)

9 Registration The purpose of today is to sign up for your classes
Station #2 500 Building Classrooms - 501, 503, 505, 507 by Last Name Receive registration cards – select P.E. and World Language. Counselors and administrators as well as department leaders will be available to answer questions. Station #3 Submit registration card and paperwork at 500 building exit. Turn in your registration card today to confirm enrollment at Troy High School.

10 Troy High School Schedule Card
Seven Period Day Registration Card Attendance code: Troy High School Schedule Card Name: _______________________________________ First Name Alias: Grade 9 (Next Year) Home Phone Parent’s Signature IBT X Course# 1st Semester Course # 2nd Semester Troy Tech or Honors English 1 Honors or AP World History AP Computer Science Principles Biology or Honors Biology Math World Language (circle one): Spanish 1 or French 1 or Chinese 1 Spanish 1 or French 1 or Chinese1 Circle one: PE or PE Band or NJROTC or Football or Dance* or Aerobics* *PE will be the alternate for these courses. PE or Concert Band or NJROTC or Football or Dance* or Aerobics* Alternate World Language (circle one): Spanish 1 or French 1

11 Things to consider when selecting classes:
Students have the option for a 6-period day (8 a.m.-3p.m). To create this schedule, students would wait until 10th grade for World Language (WL) or Biology. (4 years of WL are required for IB Full Diploma). Honors and AP courses are more rigorous than College Prep level and require additional time outside of class for homework and studying. Balancing student time commitments to sports or other activities is important. Families and students have the option to level down in courses on the registration card. For example, Geometry H to Geometry College Prep or English 1 Honors to English 1 TT.

12 Troy Tech Entry Course AP COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES Computer Science Principles is an introduction to computer science. The course will cover the following technology related topics: creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the Internet, and global impact. *Some UC’s assign 8 quarter units for this class!!!

13 Freshman Course Offerings
This is white in your packet.

14 P. E. Options Fall Spring P. E . P.E. Football Football
All other sports by try-out only and require you to sign up for a different P.E. option for now. The schedule will be adjusted after he or she makes the team. P.E. Band (no prior experience required) NJROTC Dance (if full, P.E. is alternate) Aerobics P.E. Football All other sports by try-out only and require you to sign up for a different P.E. option for now. The schedule will be adjusted after he or she makes the team. Concert Band NJROTC Dance Aerobics

15 Sports * This is yellow in your packet.

16 This cardstock form is green.
Summer School Card This sheet is ivory. This cardstock form is green.

17 Summer School Card – complete the back
This is the back of the green cardstock form.

18 Checklist items will be collected at Station #3
This is pink in your packet. The course registration card given at the next station will have recommended courses. We collect this card at the end of your appointment. We suggest taking a picture of the courses with your phone before submitting.

19 Next Step Please exit to the West side of the Lecture Hall.
Station #2 500 Building Classrooms are located across the Quad – rooms by Last name 4:15-4: (A-G), 503 (H-KimN), 505 (Kim R-O), 507 (P-Z) 5:05-5: (A-Chao), 503 (Chen-D), 505 (E-Hsueh), 507 (Anaheim A-Z), 6:25-6: (Huang-K), 503 (La-Linao), 505 (Liu-Ngo), 507 (Nguyen-P) 7:15-7: (Q-Sohn), 503 (Song-Wang), 505 (West-Z), 507 (PYL only A-Z) All handouts and this slide show can be found online at

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