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An overview of the vast variety of life on Earth

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1 An overview of the vast variety of life on Earth
The 5 Kingdoms An overview of the vast variety of life on Earth

2 Encompasses 2 domains: Archaea, Prokaryota (Eubacteria); they’re all bacteria
Mono = one; all single celled Prokaryotes = pro (before) + karyon (nucleus) They evolved before cells with nuclei, & are unicellular. 17 phyla. More than 10,000 species known and identified. Ubiquitous (*they’re found everywhere!) Archaea = Extremophiles; Eubacteria = Mesophiles Superkingdom Monera

3 Typical Monerans

4 Kingdom Protista Protos = First; First cells with nuclei
Belong to domain Eukarya = Eu (true) + Karyon (nucleus) Membership in this kingdom is defined by exclusion: they don’t fit the traits of other kingdoms. Aquatic, microscopic; both heterotrophic & autotrophic Asexual reproduction, in a variety of ways. Can be Colonial, like bacteria. 27 phyla; Number of species unknown, but numerous. Kingdom Protista

5 Typical Protists

6 Kingdom Fungi From Latin Fungus = mushroom
Mushrooms, mildews, molds, lichens Multicellular Eukaryotes that reproduce by forming spores incomplete cell boundaries allow flow of cytoplasm between cells Heterotrophic saprobes = absorb their nutrients Ecologically, act as decomposers 5 phyla, 70 genera, species estimated Kingdom Fungi

7 Typical Fungi

8 Kingdom Plantae Latin for “Plants” (this gets easier, doesn’t it?)
Eukaryotes that reproduce sexually (flowers, seeds) and asexually (stolons, vegetative reproduction) autotrophic – photosynthetic (photoautotrophs) vascular (vessels for fluid transport) & non-vascular (no vessels, i.e. mosses) Flowering plants divided into gymnosperms (cones) & angiosperms (true flowers, fruit) 10 phyla with 156 genera, approx species known. Kingdom Plantae

9 Typical Plants

10 Kingdom Animalia Anima = soul, breath
Multicellular eukaryotes; ingest food – heterotrophic reproduce sexually, with limited asexual reproduction cells tightly joined by desmosomes & gap junctions active motion, many modes - including flight huge variations in size, anatomy, behaviour & habitat among members of this kingdom. Kingdom Animalia

11 Typical Animals

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