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The best environmental choice in seafood Disclaimer If any interpretive issues arise in relation to the issues covered in these presentations, the text.

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Presentation on theme: "The best environmental choice in seafood Disclaimer If any interpretive issues arise in relation to the issues covered in these presentations, the text."— Presentation transcript:

1 The best environmental choice in seafood Disclaimer If any interpretive issues arise in relation to the issues covered in these presentations, the text of the MSC Scheme Documents will prevail in all instances. The MSC is not responsible for any issues arising to any parties as a result of consulting these presentations. If you are unsure of any details on any of the subjects covered, please consult the relevant MSC scheme documents or contact the MSC at MSC Executive October 2010

2 Session 24. Consultations Pre-Assessment Tool (Reporting) MSC CB Training - London, 6 October 2010, Dan Hoggarth

3 Consultations and next steps Consultations are open until 8 October 2010 PA Tool consultation only open to CBs Individual responses by email plus group process today - stakeholder comment form to use Recommendations will be considered by the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at their meeting on 29-30 November 2010 Implementation likely in early 2011

4 Purpose 1.Standardize pre-assessment reporting to: – Increase consistency of PAs between CBs – include a minimum set of information in a standardized format – assist MSC in tracking changes to fishing practices and fishery management that result between pre- and full- assessment 2.Define requirements for annual reporting on pre- assessment work to: – monitor the numbers of fisheries engaging with the MSC process in different regions – quantify the numbers of fisheries that subsequently enter and do not enter full assessment.

5 Proposed change to requirements Pre-assessments by CBs must be prepared using default template CBs to provide MSC with an annual summary of PAs undertaken and the outcomes – See draft Annual Reporting template) – Summary information to be aggregated and publicly reported on the MSC website to show regional PA activities without revealing CB or client identities All other PA requirements as before (confidentiality, not mandatory etc, as FCM & Policy Advisory 15)

6 Documents out for consultation 1.Pre-Assessment Reporting Template and Guidance for Users (v1 – consultation draft) 2.Annual Pre-Assessment Reporting Template (v1 - consultation draft)

7 PA reporting - evaluation table Blue text and footnotes added to PISGs to emphasise key FAM guidance Provisional scoring expected for each scoring issue Provisional scoring by RBF (PSA or SICA) where appropriate Estimated PI score based on scoring issues Detailed rationales given for any PIs scoring below 60 or 80 Information sources for long term monitoring

8 Using the PA Reporting Template Prepare separate Evaluation Tables (Annex 1) for each UoC – Example 1. Multiple species, one gear type – Example 2. Multiple gear types, one target species Only need to submit tables for those UoCs entering full assessment Enter sufficient details on main species in P2 to justify scores

9 Pre-Assessment Reporting Template Other points… – Note final reporting template may use a spreadsheet or other format to facilitate uploading of the details in to a database – Structure of tables may change to reflect overall FAM structure (scoring issues) – Focus here on layout and headings etc

10 Key questions for consultation PA Reporting Template and Guidance Requirement to use a reporting template? Layout of the template and evaluation table? Instructions for completing the template (in grey)? Usefulness or ease of understanding of guidance? Any additional guidance that would be helpful? Anything that is unnecessary which could be omitted? Any other points?

11 2. Annual PA reporting template

12 Key questions for consultation Annual PA Reporting Template Requirement to report annual information? What level of resolution of species, gears etc could be required without revealing too much client confidentiality? – As proposed or in more detailed FAO ISSCAAP species groups and ISSCFG gear groups? Any other points?


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