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Warm Up What activities were done of the home front to support the war?

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1 Warm Up What activities were done of the home front to support the war?

2 Students will explain the importance of major contributors to WWII.

3 Contributors, Minorities, and International Politics
WWII Pt 6 Contributors, Minorities, and International Politics

4 WWII Contributors Vernon Baker- highly decorated; African American; Medal of Honor; wasn’t awarded until 1997 Only living black soldier to receive one from WWII Tuskegee Airmen- first African American pilots to serve in US military; from Tuskegee, AL Congressional Medal of Honor Helped convince Truman to desegregate forces 442nd Regimental Combat Team- all Japanese American unit; fought in Europe Most decorated unit in US military history


6 Dorie Miller


8 WWII Contributors Flying Tigers- 1st American Volunteer Group of the war; flew with the Chinese Air Force Volunteered before the US entered the war Defended China against Japan Navajo Code Talkers- transmitted secret communications on the field in Navajo language Most successful code in military history; unbreakable Served in every major engagement in the Pacific from

9 What does the diversity of these contributors illustrate about US forces in WWII?



12 Changing Women’s Roles
New employment opportunities for women b/c of war Millions of factory jobs open; women filled them Rosie the Riveter –fictional woman who worked in a factory Encouraged women to participate in wartime economy Faced resistance and discrimination After the war, they were encouraged to return to their “domestic sphere” (the home) Also to open up jobs for the men


14 African Americans Jobs still limited b/c of segregation and discrimination FDR signed executive order opening defense jobs to all regardless of race (b/c of pressure from Af Am groups) Not all employers listened During the war, about 2 mil Af Am moved north for jobs Still faced racism Race riots also occurred in northern cities during WWII In combat, African Americans troops were segregated into different units

15 What other time did millions of African American move north looking for jobs and end up facing increased racial tensions?

16 Mexican Americans More jobs during WWII, esp in the southwest
Over 200,k Mexican laborers were brought to U.S. to fill in for farmers who had gone to war Mexican Americans also faced racism Zoot Suit Riots – fights b/t sailors and Mexican American youth in Los Angeles- targeted for wearing Zoot Suits Felix Longoria – Mexican American killed in WWII Officials in his Texas home town refused to bury his body in the town cemetery (was buried in Arlington National Cemetery outside D.C.)



19 Defense industry jobs created
WWII begins Defense industry jobs created White men leave to fight in the war Women and minorities fill job openings

20 How did women, African Americans, and Mexican Americans contribute to the wartime economy?

21 International Politics
Roosevelt (then Truman) met with Churchill and Stalin to plan what to do after the war Called the Big Three (leaders) Had 3 major meetings Decided after the war Germany would be split in 4 zones, Britain, France, US, and Soviet Union each occupied one zone Goal was “Denazification” of Germany Showed evils of racism, anti-Semitism, Social Darwinism, and eugenics

22 US zone Soviet Zone British zone French zone Germany

23 Japan after the War Douglas MacArthur was put in charge of Reconstruction on Japan Changes in Japan: Japan’s empire taken away Military leaders put on trial and punished for war crimes Forbidden from having a large navy or army New constitution making it a democracy

24 UN United Nations (UN)- international organization formed after WWII in 1945 Created to replace League of Nations (which failed) Goal- to prevent war, encourage cooperation, and world peace The Allies/winners placed themselves on the Security Council Soviet Union, U.S., Great Britain, France, and China – as permanent members All have veto on any Security Council decisions

25 In what ways was strong presidential leadership critical to American and Allied victory?

26 STAAR Practice

27 STAAR Practice

28 Big Idea How did World War II increase economic opportunity for women and minority groups?

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