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Grit and Growth Mindset

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Presentation on theme: "Grit and Growth Mindset"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grit and Growth Mindset
Part 2

2 Review What is grit? Your level of courage and resolve
Persevering and overcoming obstacles

3 Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset
Let’s talk about something closely related to grit: growth mindset Growth mindset is the belief that our brains are like a muscle that can be grown. It is believing that you are capable of working hard to increase your intelligence and potential. You are never as smart as you can be. Fixed mindset is the belief that you are born with a certain amount of intelligence and you cannot change that. Your intelligence will eventually plateau and can’t be grown. Which view do you tend to hold? (Discuss after video)

4 Growth Mindset Video Watch this video:

5 Discussion Discuss! Do you believe in Growth Mindset or Fixed Mindset? What are your thoughts? Give an example of how the brain can grow. Share a time when you faced an obstacle, but with hard work you overcame it. Do you believe you will learn as much as you can and hit a limit? Or that you haven’t learned everything yet and will continue to learn?



8 Example of someone who has a growth mindset/Grit
John Foppe- born with no hands and arms Video: Listen to his last line...the world’s problems just haven’t been solved… YET! The next time you are up against an obstacle and say to yourself “I can’t do it”… just add YET to the end of that sentence. That is what grit and growth mindset are about.

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