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February 5, 2018 James Wong, Senior Project Manager

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1 February 5, 2018 James Wong, Senior Project Manager
City Council Adoption of Resolution Extending Deadline to Initiate Development of Affordable Housing on City-Owned Sites February 5, 2018 James Wong, Senior Project Manager

2 Extension of Deadline to Initiate Affordable Housing Development
Recommendation Find that the recommended action is exempt from CEQA under the “General Rule” guidelines that CEQA only applies to projects that may have an effect on the environment; and Adopt resolution approving an extension of the deadline to initiate development of affordable housing on City-owned sites Heritage Square South and Navarro/Howard.

3 Extension of Deadline to Initiate Affordable Housing Development
Background 2/26/2013: State DoF approved City’s request to designate two City-owned sites as Housing Assets (Heritage Square South, Howard/Navarro) Per State law, City as Housing Successor has five years to initiate affordable housing development Deadline is 2/26/2018 State law allows Housing Successor to extend deadline for additional 5-year period by resolution Without extension, properties must be resold at market value and proceeds deposited into Housing Successor Fund to assist affordable housing activities.

4 Extension of Deadline to Initiate Affordable Housing Development
Heritage Square South 19 E. Orange Grove Blvd through 738 N. Fair Oaks Ave, approx. 1.5 acre site. Adjacent to 70-unit senior project developed by BRIDGE Housing on “Heritage Square North” site. Extension of deadline preserves availability of site for development of affordable low income housing Recommended action does not commit City to any specific development concept; any proposed project will be brought to Council for approval.

5 Extension of Deadline to Initiate Affordable Housing Development
Howard/Navarro 136 & 138 Howard Navarro Ave Two-unit residential site Utilized by Harambee Christian Family Center as a community garden under City lease since 2011 Lease agreement expired on 9/30/2017, Harambee declined to extend. Department plans to issue RFP in March 2018 for development of a two-unit, low income affordable homeownership project.

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