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Set Free!.

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Presentation on theme: "Set Free!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Set Free!

2 “Pressing Toward the Goal!
Philippians 3:12-14

3 … Rather than being discouraged by the runner in front of him, John Baker determined to pass him. Somehow, or someway he would muster…

4 To Paul each day was a continuation of a challenging race – the race of a Christian in life. Paul’s concern was to be growing more in the likeness of Christ…

5 Would you like to make a difference in our world and if so what is your plan?...

6 Purpose: to better understand “pressing toward the goal” (i.e. the sanctification process)

7 In short, we are going to look at what we are ENABLED to do in pressing toward “the goal”…

8 I With the Proper Attitude (v 12)
A. The Race is Not Over

9 Guess the title given to this picture found recently on the internet…

10 “Not that I have already obtained it…”
Philippians 3:12a “Not that I have already obtained it…”

11 Tells of a conversation with a lady who was a member of a local church where he was holding a revival meeting. In that conversation this lady mentioned that she and her husband had been married 35 years… Harvey C. Bream

12 At our immersion (baptism) into Christ we are enabled to do His will…

13 I With the Proper Attitude (v 12)
A. The Race is Not Over B. Perfection Has Not Been Reached

14 “Not that I have… already been made perfect…”
Philippians 3:12 “Not that I have… already been made perfect…”

15 I With the Proper Attitude (v 12)
A. The Race is Not Over B. Perfection Has Not Been Reached C. His Purpose Must Be Ours

16 Philippians 3:12b “…in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”

17 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.”

18 II With the Proper Concentration (v 13b)

19 … Even so with our Spiritual race
… Even so with our Spiritual race! As individuals and as a church we must concentrate in the following ways:

20 II With the Proper Concentration (v 13b)
A. Concentrate on Forgetting the Past

21 … Likewise our text is saying forget the past – accomplishments… and failures…

22 Professor to a student: “Smith, can you tell us who built the Sphinx
Professor to a student: “Smith, can you tell us who built the Sphinx?” Smith: “I did know professor Jones, but I have forgotten.”…

23 Dwelling on our failures in particular have a way of hindering our progress and growth…

24 Tells story of lady leaving a revival meeting crying and saying she would be the happiest wife in the world if only her husband would become a Christian… Harvey C. Bream

25 II With the Proper Concentration (v 13b)
A. Concentrate on Forgetting the Past B. Concentrate on Stretching Towards the Future

26 … means the runner is “throwing himself forward with all energy”… we’re to stretch forward to be more like our Master and Lord!

27 III With the Proper Goal in Mind (v 14)

28 GOAL! Verb form of the word goal means “to watch” – i.e. goal is what runners fix their eyes upon!

29 III With the Proper Goal in Mind (v 14)
A. The Goal is Not the Prize B. The Goal is Christ

30 Hebrews 12:2 “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…”

31 If we can’t be spiritually perfect this side of heaven, why strive for it?

32 IV With the Proper Prize in Mind (v 14b)
A. Heaven is the Prize B. Heaven as a Prize is no Contradiction

33 The unearned prize of heaven will be realized together in the presence of God. Thus, the prize is yet to be fully experienced…

34 Apollo Astronauts Psychologists helped in debriefing the Apollo astronauts. The astronauts all suffered from some form of depression…

35 Conclusion and Summary
This will never happen with the Christian. Life in Christ isn’t an end; instead, it is the beginning! Though freed from the land of bondage we have not yet reached the promised land. God’s design for us is to grow and grow we must in response to His marvelous grace…

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