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Study Abroad/Away & National Student Exchange

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad/Away & National Student Exchange"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad/Away & National Student Exchange

2 Program Models Group Programs Individual Travel to Group Programs Immersion Programs Group Study/Intern Programs

3 Choose the level of immersion that works for you!
Full immersion Partial immersion Group programs Choose the level of immersion that works for you!

4 Study a Language Study IN a language
Chinese French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish Study IN

5 Cost National Student Exchange: pay at UWO tuition rate
Semester Abroad: $7,520 - $14,350+ Short-term (1 – 8 weeks): $700; $2,580 - $7,470 Or, stay at UW Oshkosh: $9,394 (WI resident on campus) Financial Aid Scholarships Fundraising

6 Graduation Plan ahead. Choose the most appropriate program. Take courses that count toward requirements at UWO. Graduate on time or early!

7 New Model New for Combine Study plus an Internship or Volunteer Work Abroad! Study plus Intern or Volunteer in Australia Spend 12 weeks in Australia this spring. Earn credit interning or volunteering.  Internship placements are made on your behalf! Take courses that meet USP requirements. Live with other UW Oshkosh students. Experience Australia and Australian culture through your work or volunteer placement. Limited to 20 students.

8 New Model New for Combine Study plus an Internship or Volunteer Work Abroad! Study plus Intern or Teach English in China Spend 4 weeks in southern China this January. Earn credit interning or teaching English.  Students are placed; internships focus on developing cultural competency in a business setting. No prior teaching experience is required. Learn basic Chinese. Take part in organized group cultural visits. Experience China and Chinese culture through work or volunteer. Limited to 20 students.

9 National Student Exchange
170+ universities & colleges in the U.S. and Canada Spring Semester Fall Semester Courses in English, Spanish (Puerto Rico) & French (Canada) Accommodation:  varies by institution; often dormitories  Program Model: student exchange Cost: varies by institution

10 NSE: US

11 NSE: Canada

12 22 listed this as the ONLY way.
Study Abroad Fair Wednesday, September 23 9:00-1:00 Reeve Union Ballroom I would love to participate in the Quest III Ireland trip to experience something new and step outside my comfort zone. I had never thought about traveling abroad until I went to the Study Abroad Fair last semester. My friend and I stopped at the Quest III Ireland booth and I was sold. From that day on I have been extremely interested in traveling to Ireland. I plan to gain culture knowledge and travel experience. I have never been out of the U.S. or abroad. Participating in this program will open my eyes to the world and what it has to offer. Of the 216 students who took our post-fair exit survey, 103 listed “professor announcement” as at least one way in which they learned about the fair. 22 listed this as the ONLY way.

13 …as I am approaching graduation in a couple of weeks the only regret I have is not to have studied abroad more. I met the most amazing people while studying abroad, had the best experiences and am sad that I will never have such an amazing opportunity again.” Lauren Lidbetter Communication

14 Our Office Office of International Education Dempsey

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