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Introduction to poster session and discussion

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1 Introduction to poster session and discussion
Abraham Aseffa AHRI/ALERT/MoH Ethiopia 4th Global TB/HIV Working Group Meeting of the Stop TB Partnership September 20-21, 2004 Addis Ababa

2 Objectives To promote exchange of global and country level experiences and information Demonstrate success stories Build evidence base for effective response Identify challenges and solutions Share next steps

3 Expected outcomes Potential remedies and clear strategic directions proposed to the identified challenges and constraints Ways of maximising country level networking with major HIV stakeholders and funding mechanisms defined Strategies proposed to demonstrate country level success stories and to further nurture the evidence base through broad based collaboration among stakeholders

4 Recommended TB/HIV collaborative activities
Establish the mechanisms of collaboration A coordinating body at all levels Surveillance of HIV among TB patients Joint TB/HIV planning Monitoring and evaluation Decrease the burden of TB in PLWHA Intensified case finding Isoniazid preventive therapy TB infection control in health care and congregate settings Decrease the burden of HIV in TB patients HIV testing and counselling HIV prevention methods Co-trimoxazole therapy ART

5 Experiences to note Scaling up ART uptake among rural TB patients in Malawi Hospital-based ART, health center based anti-TB treatment Options discussed Decentralization of ART – financial and human resource needs?

6 Experiences to note Integrating HIV/TB treatment using existing TB/DOTS infrastructure in South Africa! Concerns: cost, disruption of TB activities, additive toxicities, drug interactions, immune reconstitution syndrome Studies Piloted in an urban area Community based demonstration project Randomized controlled trial Immediate concomitant vs deferred ART on morbidity and mortality

7 Experiences to note Scale up HIV testing and counseling
Limiting: trained laboratory technicians Solution: rapid testing by counselors in Malawi Community based DOTS with VCT services in Uganda. A second poster describes The AIDS/HIV and TB integrated model district program

8 Experiences to note Home-based care and TB/HIV integration in Tanzania
Experiences from the Russian Federation where an action programme has been elaborated to control spread of TB in HIV patients Situation in Ukraine and dilemmas raised by co-infected IDUs Progress in Cambodia, Mozambique, Ethiopia (national TB/HIV advisory committee in place, adjustment within structure in terms of mandate, TOR, etc in progress)

9 Poster visits and discussion
14:30-14:40 Poster area 14:20-15:20 Discussion on posters Specific issues Challenges and solutions Lessons drawn for the future

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