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-ance, -ence, = state or quality of

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1 -ance, -ence, = state or quality of
Word List: -ance, -ence -ance, -ence, = state or quality of

2 annoyance the state of being annoyed; a thing or person who irritates

3 convenience the quality of being convenient; handy; fits into one’s time schedule

4 defiance the quality of being defiant; the act of resisting authority; breaking the rules

5 diligence the quality of being diligent; not rushing through a task; taking one’s time to do the best work; careful and complete in work

6 dominance the act of being dominant; the state of being in control

7 elegance the state of being elegant; the state of showing richness or grace in style and manners

8 patience the state of being patient; waiting without any complaint

9 perseverance the state of being patient in effort; continuous attempts; never giving up

10 radiance the quality or state of being radiant; brightness

11 tolerance the act of being tolerant; accepting differences between and among people

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