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BASEAL Changes - 1.

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1 BASEAL Changes - 1

2 L.O 1 I can tell you how I would feel if a change that I didn’t want to happen was imposed on me. L.O.2 I know some of the reasons that change can feel uncomfortable and scary. L.O.3 I can tell you how it feels to belong to a group and know it is important for everyone.

3 Circle time! - 1 - The Belonging Game
We are going to play this game.

4 Now that we have played the game we could think about these points…
What do you think the game is supposed to show us? How does it feel to be left out? How does it feel to be rejected (and to reject others). How does it feel to be accepted (and to accept others). What we should have learned is that WE ALL HAVE A NEED TO BELONG.

5 We will pass round these ideas:
Circle time! Rounds We will pass round these ideas: When I am accepted I feel… When I am accepting others I feel… When I am rejected I feel… When I am rejecting others I feel… When I am left out I feel…

6 What do you know and what have you learned about change?
We will write down the ideas you have.

7 What about IMPOSED CHANGE i.e. change which is forced on you.
How might you feel in the following situations? We will collect words to describe your feelings. Your parents decide that they want you to go to a different school and you will have to leave all your friends. Your family has to move home because your mum’s job has been moved to another city. Your school introduces a uniform that you hate. There is a flood in your street and you have to move into a converted hall with lots of other families for a while. You have lived with your dad since you were three and your mum left. Now your dad is getting married to another lady who will come and live in your house with her two younger children.

8 anger resentment abandonment resentment embarrassment hurt
Some of the words you might have thought of are: anger resentment abandonment resentment embarrassment hurt fear worry about not belonging powerless insecure frustrated furious anxious agitated nervous confused worried frightened excited enthusiastic hopeful confident



11 We will look at some pictures of people who may have been in some of those situations and try to work out what they are feeling.









20 Could you change your feelings as easily as this chameleon changes its colours?


22 Sometimes when we are forced to change we may feel angry.
The anger we feel is often prompted by fear or by embarrassment or by feeling hurt in some way. Sometimes it is not easy to discover exactly why we feel the way we do.

23 Change is difficult and may make us feel
uncomfortable. Let’s write down your ideas about why this may be ….

24 Some reasons may be: fear of the unknown (walking round a new neighbourhood), fear that you will look silly and maybe not know what to do, rumours (when we don’t know much about something we often believe rumours), things might be worse (what does “better the devil you know than the one you don’t know” mean?), you might be disappointed, (change often threatens our sense of belonging).

25 Draw some pictures of yourself in all the groups you belong to e. g
Draw some pictures of yourself in all the groups you belong to e.g. family, class, school, street, clubs…. Then write on each picture the words that describe how you feel in that group. Some suggestions are…… If you feel you are the centre of a group you would do a drawing with you in the middle. If you feel left out you might do a drawing showing you a little apart from the others. If you feel welcomed you might draw everyone with their arms around each other. If you feel very secure you might draw a wall around the group.

26 The feelings we have are often shown in our bodies or in our behaviour
The feelings we have are often shown in our bodies or in our behaviour. Let’s look at one of the feelings we have identified earlier. EMBARRASSED How might this be shown? Afterwards we will play the “Emotion in Motion game”.

27 Others have to guess the scene and the feelings you are showing.
You and a partner have to show an activity in a particular way. Others have to guess the scene and the feelings you are showing.


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