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Q&A WITH COE ADVISORS What DTC means for transfer students \

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Presentation on theme: "Q&A WITH COE ADVISORS What DTC means for transfer students \"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q&A WITH COE ADVISORS What DTC means for transfer students \

2 Roadmap Introductions Overview of changes Applying to transfer
Application deadlines Prerequisite coursework Pre-engineering status Applying to transfer Step 1: Applying to UW Step 2: Applying to engineering majors Planning Tools Course planning Timeline Connect with UW 30 min Q&A

3 Facilitators Nicole Minkoff Academic Advisor Chemical Engineering
Hannah Anderson Academic Advisor College of Engineering

4 What is Direct to College Admission?
DTC is a new admission process that assures incoming freshmen who are admitted into the COE starting in Autumn 2018 and beyond can pursue an engineering degree at the UW.

5 How does this impact Transfer students?
The admission pathway for transfer students will stay intact We do not expect a change in enrollment numbers Effective Winter 2019 there will be changes to application deadlines and additional prerequisite coursework for EE, HCDE, and IndE We do not expect a change in enrolment numbers – has historically been 30%

6 No Spring Admission Pathway for EE
The Electrical Engineering department will no longer be offering a spring admission pathway for students EE will continue admit students for autumn admission

7 Additional Prerequisites: EE, HCDE, IndE
Three departments will be adding additional prerequisite courses Electrical Engineering Industrial & Systems Engineering Human Centered Design & Engineering Physics 123 Math 307 AA 210 CEE 220 OR ME 230 Additional 5 credits of mathematics and 5 credits of natural science Prompt folks to look at their handout to see these requirements reflected

8 Earlier CoE Application Deadlines
Beginning Winter 2019, CoE application deadlines will be more compatible with UW application deadlines Admission Quarter UW Application Deadline Current COE Application Deadlines NEW CoE Spring Dec 15th Feb 1st January 15th Autumn Feb. 15th July 1st April 5th

9 Applying is a 2 step process
Spring Admission: - Paper application - Due Dec. 15th Fall Admission: - Online application - Due Feb. 15th Step 1: Apply to UW Step 2: Apply to department Spring Admission: - Online application - Due Jan 15th Fall Admission: - Due April 5th All of this info is on the website, but want to highlight the most important things to know. It’s a TWO STEP process at the UW. This is unique!! Apply to UW and apply to department Engineering only admits for spring or fall Should be planning to start at the UW in a major Plan to apply to the major the same quarter applying for admission to the UW. Spring admission is ONLY for engineering transfer students When you apply to the UW it will FEEL like you’re applying to the department, but you have to complete separate process for this. Apply for fall to the UW (Feb 15) and wait a LONG time to hear back. Major app opens in June, will hear back about both decisions in late July. July 1 is a hard and fast deadline, no exceptions. Don’t forget this deadline!

10 Students admitted UW but not CoE
The pathway to study engineering will be limited for students that choose to come to UW without being admitted into an engineering department Students will primarily work with Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) Advising Students should discuss with departmental advisors prior to transferring Pre-engineering → Pre-major Has historically been problematic, want to reduce stress & surprise for students Some students have a really specific reason they need to transfer, but need to be aware they’ll be pre-major students and need to apply for competitive environment Should discuss with departmental advisors prior to transferring

11 Planning Tools UW Equivalency Guide College of Engineering Website
UW Academic Planning Worksheets UW MyPlan Let’s look at making a plan! Research majors of interest-go to the website to work through the rest of the steps to create a plan. All of these tools are available to you on the website, so want you to be able to access them and know how to utilize them. UW CoE-Future Students-Admissions-Transfer Students Show the page of the engineering departments and brief videos to learn more Creating Your Educational Plan page PDF documents attached to each engineering major Black diamond = admission requirements, want to have these complete before applying to the UW Go back to make a plan page and go to the Course Equivalency Guide to see how your courses will transfer and find out what course numbers correspond to those on the UW website. Click on the institution and then click on Math as an example since everyone is taking math. Note that you have to pay attention to the date in the far right column to see if the info is expired. Need to pay attention to series/sequences; sometimes course content is distributed differently at different institutions so it’s not a one for one equivalency. Read the details! Show the Chemistry example! (Chem 142 & 152) Many nuances Compare engineering majors (brings up chart page) Academic Planning Worksheets Prereq GPA admissions data info Final thing is a NEW tool: MyPlan-planning tool for academics, opened up to NON-current UW students. Go to UW prospective transfer website, created specifically for you, upload your transcripts, match requirements, run audits to see if your plan will complete your requirements. Requirements are very similar for Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma, but there are difference so you should check their websites too Reach out to advisors at UW Bothell & Tacoma






17 https://admit. washington

18 Questions?

19 Thank you!

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