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Quinlan ISD Dual Credit Program

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1 Quinlan ISD Dual Credit Program

2 The Program Ford High School partners with Paris Junior College to offer dual credit courses to qualifying students.  High school students take dual credit courses to challenge themselves, to prepare for university-level course work, and to get a head start on their college degree plans. Tuition, fees, and books are covered by QISD in full for all eligible students. FHS Counselors will work with our PJC Liaison to help students apply for admission and assist with class registration. 

3 Who is eligible? Incoming 11th and 12th grade students enrolled at FHS with: Passing grades in all high school courses An 80 or higher average for English and Math courses in the previous two school years Passing STAAR EOC English and Math assessments on first attempt, which includes English I, English II, and Algebra I Excellent attendance practices Mini​mal (0-2) disciplinary referrals while attending FHS (with absolutely no felony offenses or those involving drugs, alcohol, or mutual combat) *New students transferring in to QISD will be qualified on a case-by-case basis and admitted on probationary status if qualified for their previous school’s dual credit program.

4 Who is eligible? TSI (Texas Success Initiative Assessment) Requirements: Passing TSI scores in both Reading and Writing for incoming Juniors (363 minimum in Reading with a 4 on the Writing, or 351 and above in Reading with a 5 on Writing) Passing TSI scores in Math for incoming Seniors (350 or up) FHS covers the expense of one initial test for each section. Beyond that, it is the parent and student responsibility to reschedule and pay for a retest for the sections failed. New students who transfer to QISD and were eligible to participate in their previous district’s college program will be admitted on a probationary basis for one semester. If a grade of C or below is earned in any class, the student will be removed from the program.

5 Transportation QISD will provide transportation to and from PJC.
The bus will leave the parking lot of the high school at 7:15 a.m. and return by 3rd period, when students will return to their regular schedule or a third PJC class held on the FHS campus. Students must sign in on the bus to PJC and back from PJC. Students who miss the bus must provide their own transportation. Students unable to get to PJC will receive an unexcused absence for those periods, even though they are at the high school. If QISD is on break, the bus will still run. If the bus is missed, students are responsible for their own transportation to and from PJC. Students are occasionally allowed late arrival when PJC is not in session, but this is at our principal’s discretion.

6 Transportation Students may use their own transportation to and from PJC but may not transport fellow students due to liability and safety concerns. Failure to abide by this may result in removal from the dual credit program both for the driver and passenger.

7 Campus Liaison A QISD faculty or staff member will travel with the students to the PJC campus each day except when QISD is on break. The QISD liaison will monitor student attendance, grades, behavior, and supervise the Friday work day at the high school.

8 Friday, Holidays, & Inclement Weather
All dual credit students will have class at the high school campus on Fridays and the days before and after the college semester to complete online coursework, gather research, study, finish assignments, collaborate on projects, etc. Students must be present during 1st – 3rd periods at the high school when PJC is on break, on Fridays, and any other time that there are no PJC classes unless authorized by administration. In the event of inclement weather (if Quinlan ISD is delayed or closed) buses will not run to PJC, even if PJC is not closed. Students will not need to risk driving to campus. The dual credit coordinator will notify professors so that students will not be penalized.

9 Absences Students missing more than 5 days a semester of dual credit classes without extenuating circumstances or documented illnesses will be placed on probation and possibly removed from the dual credit program. Doctor’s notes should be submitted ASAP for documentation. PJC and individual professor’s absence policies are in effect. Those policies may be more stringent and may impact student grades. Students should be aware of their professors’ policies and keep close track on absences, and communicate with professors regularly. PJC does NOT follow the same attendance rules as FHS and we have no control over their policies.

10 Grade Requirements Students must maintain a “B” average in each course to remain in the program. Students earning a "C" in a dual credit course will be placed on probation for the next semester. If another grade of “C” is earned in the next semester, the student will be removed from the Dual Credit Program. Students earning a “D” or “F” will be removed from the dual credit program immediately.

11 Student Responsibility
Students are expected to follow QISD Code of Conduct and PJC Standard of Conduct at all times, including when students are at PJC and in route between FHS and PJC. Students may be removed from the dual credit program at any time at their own academic expense due to violations of the student code of conduct. Students are responsible for maintaining all textbooks throughout the duration of this program. If books are not returned in good condition at the end of each semester (or at time of graduation), new books, grades and/or transcripts and registration may be held up until books are returned or invoices are paid for missing items.

12 Parent Responsibility
If your child withdraws or is removed from the dual credit program completely for one of the following: failing grades, failure to improve grades on probation, or if your child drops any or all dual credit courses during the semester You will be responsible for repayment of tuition and fees already paid by QISD, as well as the cost of any books not returned.

13 Sample Costs to be Reimbursed for Tuition & Books if Student Fails, Drops, or is Removed:
Government book -- $145.00 Algebra book -- $136.26 Speech (Speaker's Guide) -- $73.50 Economics -- $200.00 Spanish -- $135.00 Patterns for Writing -- $55.00 Writer’s Reference Book -- $61.00 Tuition -- $300 for one course, $450 for two courses If a student fails College Algebra and College Economics courses in one semester, and somehow loses both books, for example, the total would be $450 + $145 + $200 = $ to be paid back to QISD in reimbursement for what had been paid on your student’s behalf.

14 Academic Freedom & College Environment
PJC professors are not QISD employees and, therefore, are not accountable to QISD for the curriculum, content, teaching methodology, grading policy, attendance policy, etc. Although QISD has developed a positive and proactive relationship with PJC, we are not responsible for the college environment, non-QISD students, or professors. Parents may not contact professors or PJC for any information regarding their student, regardless of student’s age. PJC professors cannot, by law, provide information to anyone other than the student or to the Dual Credit coordinator.

15 Schedule Changes When a student withdraws or is removed from the dual credit program, his/her entire FHS schedule may be changed when he/she re-enrolls in all high school credit courses. Credit recovery is online and must be completed successfully to earn credit for the failed or dropped course(s). Students who withdraw from the dual credit program during the middle of a semester may be in jeopardy of losing high school credit as well as college credit for that semester.

16 Dual Credit Program Tracks
TRADITIONAL CORE ASSOCIATE’S 27 College Hours No summer course work Fall and Spring Semesters of Junior and Senior Year 48 College Hours Summer course work before Junior Year and before Senior Year (some in class and some online) 60 College Hours Earn Associate’s Degree from Paris Junior College

ASSOCIATE'S PLAN 2 - SPANISH 11TH SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 PJC Course FHS Course Cred Hrs Summer Prior to Junior Year GOVT 2306 College State Govt 3 COSC 1301 or BCIS 1305 College Comp College BCIS PSYC 1300 College Fmwks PSYC 2301 College Psyc Junior Year HIST 1301 College USH HIST 1302 ENGL 1301 College Eng III ENGL 1302 SPCH 1315 College Speech ARTS 1301 College Art App COMM 1307 College Intro to Mass Media College Intro to Psychology Summer Prior to Senior Year BIOL 1308/1108 or PHYS 1303 College Biology or College Astronomy BIOL 1309/1109 or PHYS 1304 ENGL 2322 College Eng IV ENGL 2323 Senior Year MATH 1314 College Alg MATH 2312 College Precal GOVT 2305 College US Govt ECON 2301 College Econ TOTAL COLLEGE HOURS 30 CORE PLAN 1 - SPEECH/ARTS 11TH CORE PLAN 2 - SPANISH 11TH College Learning Frameworks 27 21 TRADITIONAL College St Govt College Frmwks 15 12

18 Questions? Turn over to Flossie to go through the application process.

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