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The most important thing to remember before every test is…

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1 The most important thing to remember before every test is…
This is only a TEST! Tests are just your instructor’s way of measuring how much you’ve learned of the materials that were taught. The most important thing to remember before every test is…

2 Don’t Panic!!!

3 FOLDABLE ACTIVTY To compare 4 things

4 Test Types There are 4 major test types True or False Multiple Choice
Fill in the blank Essay

5 True or False Since a true/false question only has 2 possible answers, you have a 50% chance of choosing the right answer if you have to guess. Use 2 strategies for guessing the right answer: Assume a statement is false if it contains absolute words. (always, never, none, everyone) Assume a statement is false if any part of it is false. (To bake a cake you need flour, eggs, and pepper.)

6 True or False… The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The temperature is always colder in winter than spring. You can only make paper from trees. Coffee drinking can stain your teeth.

7 Multiple Choice Tests When taking a multiple choice test, you usually have 4 options. Your job is to identify the one correct option. You can do this by: IF you know the material, first answer the question mentally and then read all the options and choose the correct one. IF you know the material but can’t answer the question mentally, read all the options, eliminate those you know are incorrect, and choose the answer from those items remaining. The more options you eliminate, the more likely you are to choose correctly. If you do not know the material, or if you can’t figure out the answer, guess.

8 Multiple choice question
1. The name of NL country radio station is___________. A KIXX Country 103.9 B KIXX Country C KIXX Country D KIXX Cowboy Country 2. What is one healthy way that people can help to maintain their weight? A eating a balanced diet B sleeping 8 hours daily C exercising regularly D all the above

9 Fill-in-the-blank Tests
Fill-in tests may require you to recall an answer from memory or choose an answer from a list of options. Decide what kind of answer the statement requires. Knowing what it asks will help you recall or select the right way. The way in which a statement is written may help you decide how to complete it. Your answer should complete the statement logically and grammatically. Key words in statements may help you determine what topic the question covers.

10 Fill-in-the-blank question
Before Newfoundland became a province of Canada many people flew the pink, white & green flag. What do the 3 colours stand for? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11 Essay Test There are 2 types of essay questions, those that require a short answer and those that require a longer, more developed answer. Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what the question asks. Watch for instruction words. Short-answer questions often ask you to supply definitions, examples, or other specific pieces of information. Concentrate on answering the questions briefly and precisely. Stay on the topic and avoid stating your opinion or making judgments, unless the questions ask for you to do so. Restate the question in your answer. Doing this makes it easier for your instructor to read and follow your answer.

12 Some Test Taking Strategies
“F” First read the directions. “L” Look over the test. “E” Easiest questions answered first. “A” Answer questions that are worth more. “S” Skip a question your unsure of.

13 BE CAREFUL! When taking a test, use the “RAINS” method to help you identify what is being asked for. “R” Read the ENTIRE question and ALL choices before answering. “A” Analyze the context and figure out unknown words. “I” Identify key words in the question and answer choices. “N” Notice the negatives. They can change the meaning of the question or answer, so BE CAREFUL! “S” Search for grammatical clues in fill in the blank questions. If it doesn’t sound right, IT ISN’T!

14 Map your goals & set your course for achievement!
If you’re going to be successful, you’ve got to see yourself successful!

15 The 10 study habits of a SUCCESSFUL STUDENT
Try not to do to much studying at one time. Plan specific times for studying. Try to study at the same time each day. Set specific goals for your study time. Start studying when you planned. Work on the assignments you feel most difficult first. Review your notes before beginning an assignment. Tell your friends not to call during your study time. Call another student when you have difficulty with an assignment. Review your class-work over the weekend.

16 Help Yourself Succeed Focus on homework. Make sure you review your notes everyday. Keep your notes neat and clear. Highlight or underline important information. Keep your school materials organized together. Use your time efficiently. If you get stuck on an assignment, put it aside and come back to it later. Always look ahead. If you get done early, do a little extra. Do research wisely. Use internet sources cautiously! Use technology. Computer programs like Word, PowerPoint, etc. can make life easier if you learn how to use them. Find your way. You will have to find what works best for you when studying and completing assignments. Prioritize what you have to get done. School must come before fun! Communicate with teachers. If something is unclear, ask for help.

17 What can you do to help yourself to be successful
TOMORROW… What can you do to help yourself to be successful as a student? The end

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