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Lets Go Fishing for Information

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Presentation on theme: "Lets Go Fishing for Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lets Go Fishing for Information
A “Sea” of Research

2 What “fish” do you want to “catch”?
Decide on a topic and a final project Students and/or teachers have to decide on a topic They need to think about what they want to know about a topic They need to come up with guiding questions about their topic Teachers need to know and tell the students what the end product will be (report/poster/digital presentation)

3 What “pond” will you “fish” in?
Decide on resources to use(Print, Digital, or Non Print/ or All) Students need to think about how they are going to get their information…what sources will they use? Print sources: Informational book, encyclopedia Digital sources: websites, databases Non Print: Interview

4 Select “hooks” and “lures”
Locate and gather materials

5 Let out the line and “reel in”
“Explore the waters” Begin taking notes It’s wise to have some type of strategy for taking notes and organizing information Helpful strategy = RAP R – Read a paragraph at a time A – Ask yourself questions about what learned P – Put the info. in your own words

6 Decide what fish to keep and what fish to throw back
Organize information and create final project After gathering all the info needed, it’s time to begin organizing that info. and creating a final product Determine an order of info (first, next, etc. Any info to get rid of?

7 Are you satisfied with your catch?
Evaluate your research project Look at your work Is the assignment completed like it was supposed to be Did questions get answered? Are you proud of your work?

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