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Observations - Utlimate goal is an integrated (virtual) data center containing an adequate set of observations with known quality and representativity.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations - Utlimate goal is an integrated (virtual) data center containing an adequate set of observations with known quality and representativity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations - Utlimate goal is an integrated (virtual) data center containing an adequate set of observations with known quality and representativity (ref. EMEP monitoring strategy) ”Connect”; EMEP/CCC will accept data from outside the ”geographical scope of EMEP” Investigate if existing ”snapshot” databases can be used a first compilation for further investigations (RETRO, TRADEOFF, QUANTIFY, AEROCOM, CREATE, others) Contribute to and make use of the ACCENT efforts to generate a global archive of field data resources Interact with the modeling community to explore an appropriate set of parameters to be included in an extended ”snapshot” database Contribute to the establishment of the ”monitoring capacity”

2 Next step (1-2 yrs) Compilation of a first global dataset for model validation PM, O3, precursors, inorganics Hg POPs In-situ, vertical profiles, aircraft, satellite, multimedia Data for one selected year. Data to be used to test a set of global models. Experience from this effort will provide guidance towards operational data provision NRT-data provision Open question; IGACO-LRTAP implementation secretariat



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